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I said negligently that I had been detained by unexpected business in the neighbourhood, and thus happened to catch sight of him coming out. He stared at me with solemn distraction, obviously thinking of something else. I suggested that he had better take the next city-ward tram-car. He was inattentive, and I perceived that he was profoundly perturbed.

Burke's speeches, which were destined to become the honour of his age, and the delight of posterity, were sometimes negligently received by the house.

Loudon's people, looking over into this FLECHE, find it negligently guarded; Quadt at breakfast, as would seem: and directly send for Harsch, Captain of the Siege, and even for Loudon, the General-in-Chief. Negligently guarded, sure enough; nothing in the FLECHE but a few sentries, and these in the horizontal position, taking their unlawful rest there, after such a morning's work.

Then he followed and closed the door. "It is a long time since you have honored Karnia with a visit," Karl observed. "Will you sit down?" Karl himself did not sit. He stood negligently beside the mantel, an arm stretched along it. "Not since the battle of the Ar, sire," replied the Chancellor dryly. He had headed an army of invasion then. Karl smiled.

He wore a nondescript costume of vari-colored linen, arranged in folds that would have been the admiration of an artist. It was gathered about him by means of a brilliant scarlet sash negligently tied. His brawny arms were bare to the shoulder his vest was open, and displayed his strong brown throat and chest heaving with the pent-up anger and fear that raged within him.

I made her bear it, and feel it; her steady countenance did not change, but her colour rose, and she approached me as if fascinated. She stepped on to the estrade, and stood close by my side; she had nothing to say. I would not relieve her embarrassment, and negligently turned over the leaves of a book. "I hope you feel quite recovered to-day," at last she said, in a low tone.

"And you dare to complain of me, you weak cow! . . . A woman who has only given me daughters. You ought to be ashamed of yourself." The same hand that negligently extracted from his pocket a wad of bills rolled into a ball, giving them away capriciously without knowing just how much, also wore a lash hanging from the wrist.

The young man blandly put it on one side, and planted a return blow on the hostler's ear. Enraged, his opponent sprang upon him. The young Jew paralyzed him by putting his left hand negligently into his pocket. With his remaining hand he closed the hostler's right eye, and sent the flesh about it into mourning.

He slapped Signora Merani's face twice before every one." "Diavolo! What! a lady?" "Well, if you like to call her so," returned Doro, negligently. "Her husband is an impiegato of the Post-office, or something of the kind." "But why should the Marchese slap her face in the Chiaia?" "Because she provoked him. They took a flat in the house my father owns in the Strada Chiatamone.

"Do you buy at this store, and upon whose account?" Haward shook his head, and applied himself again to the Madeira. "Then you carry with you coin of the realm with which to settle?" continued the other. "The wine is two shillings; the book you may have for twelve-pence." "Here I need not pay, good fellow," said Haward negligently, his eyes upon a row of dangling objects.