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It was on a festa day, dedicated to the patron saint of the island, when no Maltese not absolutely bed-ridden, but would deem it a duty, to witness the solemn and lengthy procession which such a day calls forth; that I first met Acme Frascati. "I was alone in the Strada Reale, and strolling towards the Piazza, when my attention was directed to what struck me as the loveliest face I had ever seen.

Portraits of Titian's daughter Lavinia Death of Aretino "Martyrdom of St. Lawrence" Death of Charles V. Attempted assassination of Orazio Vecellio "Diana and Actaeon" and "Diana and Calisto" The "Comoro Family" The "Magdalen" of the Hermitage The "Jupiter and Antiope" and "Rape of Europa" Vasari defines Titian's latest manner "St. Jerome" of the Brera "Education of Cupid" "Jacopo da Strada" Impressionistic manner of the end "Ecce Homo" of Munich "Nymph and Shepherd" of Vienna The unfinished "Piet

We are aware that Salvator and Antonio had favoured Marianna with the most beautiful night-music imaginable, but I have forgotten to add that they went on repeating it on succeeding nights, tremendously infuriating Signor Pasquale; his anger was held in check by the neighbours, and he was silly enough to apply to the authorities to prevent the two painters from singing in Strada Ripetta.

"But, listen: there is a certain Jew Aaron Bannech by name his office his den the place where he cheats, and robs, and lies, is beneath the Albergo in the Strada. Do you hear?" "Si, signor, si, I know the place I know the man," said the beggar, hastily. "You know him; it is well that you should you are an admirable pair.

Michele at once provided himself with a big stick, and kept watch every night behind the door. However, it happened that Salvator and Antonio thought it advisable to discontinue the night-music in Strada Ripetta on the nights immediately preceding the execution of their plot, so that nothing might suggest ideas of his enemies to the old man.

Once more in busy, bustling, Strada Reale, with its gay shops filled with a tempting display of gold and silver filigree work, corals and laces, the latter very fine specimens of needlework indeed.

And the result was that, one evening, the gallant Conte, on knocking at the door of the house in the Strada di S. Eufemia, had it opened to him by his friend Ludovico, and further, that he never came back there any more, or was heard again to make any allusion whatever to his Venetian acquaintances.

Palgrave, "which has filled London with the dead monotony of Gower or Harley Streets, or the pale commonplace of Belgravia, Tyburnia, and Kensington; which has pierced Paris and Madrid with the feeble frivolities of the Rue Rivoli and the Strada de Toledo."

Its privileges were esteemed so valuable that many mothers from the adjacent provinces removed thither about the time of their accouchment, in order to entitle their children to participate, by birth, in all the immunities of that favored country; just as, says Strada, one improves the plants of a rude climate by removing them to the soil of a milder.

In this first volume, besides de Thou, Strada, Reyd, Grotius, Meteren, Burgundius, Meursius, Bentivoglio, and some moderns, the Memoirs of Counsellor Hopper, the life and correspondence of his friend Viglius, the records of the trials of the Counts of Hoorne and Egmont, the defence of the Prince of Orange, and some few others have been my guides.