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His dread of the poisonous powders was even greater now than when he had brought them into the house. He turned the box round and round, and then shook it. Would it not be best to throw the horrid things on the fire? Let them burn. But he did not take the box into the kitchen after all, where Marianna was keeping up a flaring wood fire in order to make the coffee.

"I am afraid that you, and Marianna, and I, should never be able to carry him all that way without hurting him," returned Jack Raby. "If I could find our companions, we could easily do it; but I don't know what became of them.

"Salvator!" exclaimed Marianna, Antonio, and Capuzzi, utterly astounded.

Something in those quiet words, or in that quiet act, it made me mute again; while, noting, through the fairy window, a broad shadow stealing on, as cast by some gigantic condor, floating at brooding poise on outstretched wings, I marked how, by its deeper and inclusive dusk, it wiped away into itself all lesser shades of rock or fern. "You watch the cloud," said Marianna.

"The captain has fixed on a boat to run off with, and we shall easily be able to launch her, and will have her ready near those rocks to the left there exactly at midnight, when he and I will be waiting for you under your tower. He wants to know if that old rascal of a pirate locks you up every night as he did us. Pretend to be speaking to my sister here." Marianna got another kiss.

Poor little Marianna, though her fate was less cruel than that of her mistress, as a short captivity was all she had to fear, was not the less alarmed, and lay at the bottom of the boat, giving way to her fears in floods of tears without attempting to rise. The first boat approached within three cables' length of that of the fugitives. "Now, Raby, fire, and aim steadily," exclaimed Fleetwood.

A considerable time had elapsed, when one day Antonio burst into Salvator's studio, breathless, and pale as death. "Salvator!" he cried; "my friend! my protector! I am lost unless you help me! Pasquale Capuzzi is here, and has got a warrant to arrest me for carrying off his niece." "But what can Pasquale do to you now?" asked Salvator. Has not the Church united Marianna and you?"

Drew was certain that nothing Marianna Forbes could do was going to lead Boyd Barrett back home again. On the other hand, if the boy had not formally enlisted, perhaps the rigors of one of the General's usual cross-country scrambles might be disillusioning. But, having tasted the quality of Boyd's stubbornness in the past, Drew doubted that.

Peter's and the museum of the Vatican are mentioned; walks with Shelley to the Forum, the Capitol, and the Coliseum, which is visited and re-visited. Frequent visits are paid in the evening to the Signora Marianna Dionigi, and with her they hear Mass in St. Peter's, where the poor old Pope Pius VII was nearly dying.

Our feud with the cranky old fool any sort of cunning scheme seems justified, but come, my dear Antonio, never mind my fanciful crotchets, but be happy with your Marianna; as happy as you can." If a monk had taken his place beside Signor Pasquale when he set out along with his niece to go to Nicolo Musso's theatre, everybody would have thought that the strange pair were being led to execution.