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"I remember singin' that ar to Mary Jane Wilson the very night she died," said Aunt Ruey, stopping.

This intelligence deepened the anxious expression on Mrs. Dunbar's face. "His dog is here," said she, in a tremulous voice. "His dog!" said Hugo. "Oh yes; he's ben out dar all de mornin'. Dunno what de matta wid dat ar animal at all. Stands dar like a gravy statoo." For the rest of that day Mrs. Dunbar was restless and distressed. She wandered aimlessly about the house.

"Though the dogs might damage the gal, if they come on her unawars," said Haley. "That ar's a consideration," said Marks. "Our dogs tore a feller half to pieces, once, down in Mobile, 'fore we could get 'em off." "Well, ye see, for this sort that's to be sold for their looks, that ar won't answer, ye see," said Haley. "I do see," said Marks. "Besides, if she's got took in, 'tan't no go, neither.

De 'backer growed on dis yer lan' an' cured wid coal made outen dem ar pines will be jes es yaller ez gold an' as fine ez silk, 'Liab.

'Now, Cuff! ye ain't goin to stow this citizen away in that ar place, be ye? says I.

Aunt Comfort took off her silver spectacles, and gave the glasses of them a furious rub, then after essaying another look, exclaimed, "What, you don't mean dat 'ere little speck down at the bottom of it, does yer?" "Yes, Aunt Comfort, that little speck, as you call it, makes all the difference it makes O into Q." "Oh, go 'way, child," said she, indignantly, "you isn't gwine to fool me dat ar way.

The sturdy circuit rider stood against it for a second until Abe sprang his bow. Then the heels of the former flew upward and his body came down to the grass, back first. "That ar done popped my wind bag," said the minister as he got up. "Call in," said John McNeil and the others echoed it. "I call you," said the minister turning to McNeil. "McNeil!" the onlookers called.

"Ar could you know the sleeplis nites I worry threw with on your account, how vittles has seized to be attractiv to me & how my lims has shrunk up, you wouldn't dowt me. Gase on this wastin form and these 'ere sunken cheeks"

The spare hands who had been brought out for the cruise yelled salutations to friends, and one of them casually remarked: "If this had happened before the drink was done away with, there would have been a funny old booze in some o' them ar smacks, just for excitement like."

"S'pose you've heerd the news that Jeduthun Pettibone brought home in the 'Flying Scud, 'bout the wreck o' the 'Monsoon'; it's an awful providence, that 'ar' is, a'n't it? Why, Jeduthun says she jest crushed like an egg-shell"; and with that Amaziah illustrated the fact by crushing an egg in his great brown hand. Mary did not answer.