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I could ha' liked to ha' deed in th' owd chamber aboon, and left th' haas feet fermost when I left it for good. And the old woman rocked herself in her grief over the dying fire. 'Well, gronmother, wee'n all to dee, and I durnd know as it matters where we dee as long as we're ready. It's where we're baan to live as bothers me, said the hard-headed daughter-in-law.

Robert's ballads are far, far aboon the best things ever seen in Scotland afore; we auld folk dinna ken whether maist to blame or praise them, but they keep the young people laughing frae the ae nuik o' the shire till the ither." "But how," I inquired, "have the better clergy rendered themselves obnoxious to Burns?

He set her on a milk-white steed, Of none he stood in awe; Untill they reached the Hieland hills, Aboon the Balmaha'!* * A pass on the eastern margin of Loch Lomond, and an entrance to the Highlands. Saying, Be content, be content, Be content with me, lady; Where will ye find in Lennox land, Sae braw a man as me, lady?

Penrose was to 'their Joe, who was 'up aboon wi' Jesus. And as the minister descended the brow towards his own home, the sweet, sad music continued to fall in dying strains upon his ears; and that night, and many a night afterwards, did he vex his brain to find out why redemption should be wrought out by a flute, when the creed of Rehoboth was powerless.

Go away from me, David Cameron, or I shall say words that will make more suffering than you can dream off. Go away, man." David was shocked and grieved at his companion's passion. "James," he said solemnly, "dinna mak a fool o' yoursel'. I hae long seen your ill-will at Donald. Let it go. Donald's aboon your thumb now, and the anger o' a poor man aye falls on himsel'."

"Tak this," said the girl, unfolding a piece of bacon from her apron, "and I hev a silver sixpence to gie thee, when I'm gaen away heyam." They entered the dark kitchen of the cottage, and the old woman stood by the door, lest their conference should be lighted on by surprise. If he lets Sunda' next pass, I'm afeared ye'll never be sprinkled nor signed wi' cross, while there's a sky aboon us."

The words of an old song hummed themselves through his mind. "Yestreen I met a winsome lass, a bonny lass was she, As ever climbed the mountain-side, or tripped aboon the lea; She wore nae gold, nae jewels bright, nor silk nor satin rare, But just the plaidie that a queen might well be proud to wear." Jessie McRae wore nothing half so picturesque as the tartan.

I houpe ye thankit them, or ye left, for their muckle kindness to ye. The boys were silent. 'Didna ye thank them? 'No, grannie; I dinna think 'at we did. 'Weel, that was ill-faured o' ye. Eh! but the hert is deceitfu' aboon a' thing, and desperately wicked. Who can know it? Come awa'. Come awa'. Robert, festen the door.

'Could na say just preceesely; Sunday seldom cam aboon the pass of Bally-Brough.

I looked up, an' t' sun had gotten clean ower t' top o' t' fell, an' were shinin' straight down into t' cove. Ay, an' Janet saw t' sun too, an' when it were like a gert gowden ball at top o' t' hill, shoo pointed her wand at t' sun an' started dancin' aboon t' watterfall. I looked at her and then I looked at t' sun, an', Honey-fathers! if t' owd sun weren't dancin' too.