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Sech heaps of glitterin' golden and silver ore, sech slabs of shinin' marble, and sech precious stuns I never expect to see agin till I git where the gates are Pearl and the streets paved with Pure Gold. On the west side are the exhibits from Foreign mineral-producin' countries, beginnin' with the Central and South American States.

Right out onto the lake stood a fairy-like structure all glowin' with big drops of light and every glitterin' drop reflected down in the water and the fountain a sprayin' up on each side. Why it sprayed up floods of diamonds, and rubys, and sapphires, and topazzes, and turkeys, and pearls, and opals, and sparklin' 'em right back into the water agin.

'But we can always stand the weight, can't we? He picked out one of them glitterin' Chinese works of art and regarded it real lovin'. 'Yes, says he, 'it's sure nice stuff. Hurry along and we'll close the dicker. "Up-stairs the old gent had the money ready for me to count. "'Correct? says he. "'Ya-a-as, says I. "'Well, I'll put 'em in a neat bundle for you, says he.

You've talked so much 'bout him, Paul, that I kin see him in my fancy an' I know jest how he done. Often a big battle seemed to be goin' ag'inst him. His men hev shot away all thar powder an' bullets. The Shawnees an' the Miamis an' the Wyandots are comin' on hard, shoutin' the war whoop, swingin' thar glitterin' tomahawks 'bout thar fierce heads.

It is a firm and glitterin' one as I ever see. Anyway, she put a damper onto that cook, and turns it jest when she is a mind to to the benefit of her boarders; for better vittles wuz never cooked than Miss Plank furnishes her boarders at moderate rates and the comforts of a home, as advertisements say. Her house wuz kep clean and sweet too, which wuz indeed a boon.

The wipin'-out process consists of raisin' the price from 10 cents to 25 cents, and hirin' a blonde named Maudie to sell tickets instead of Micky, the Bowery Bite. That's what they say I don't know. "But to Coney I goes a-Tuesday. I gets off the 'L' and starts for the glitterin' show. 'Twas a fine sight.

And it did seem fairly as if them long glitterin' chains and links of colored lights, a stretchin' fur back into the distance sort a begoned for us to enter into a land of perfect beauty and Pure Delight.

"Then Len he keeps tryin' to go back wants to work long for a big grubstake, and is quiet and dreams a lot, with Baby Jean in his arms, and the chink settin' cross-legged lookin' at 'em with his glitterin' little eyes half full o' hop, I guess. And I gets onto why Len wants to drift back there to that land o' dead men's bones, and I watch 'im, and freeze to 'im continual.

You know them posies do look some like faces, and the faces look like "the great multitude no man could number," that we read about, and every one of them faces a-bloomin' with every color of the rainbow. And speakin' of rainbows, before long we did see one a long, shinin', glitterin' rainbow, made out of pure pansies, of which more anon and bimeby.

Wouldn't she be splendid with a gold crown on her head, and di'monds a glitterin' all over her! D' you remember how handsome she looked in the tableau, when the fair was held for the Dorcas Society? She had on an old dress of her grandma's, they don't make anything half so handsome nowadays, and she was just as pretty as a pictur'. But what's the use of good looks if they scare away folks?