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But there are many little odds and ends about the world that affect and modify these currents, such as depth, and local heat and cold, and rivers and icebergs, but the chief modifiers are continents. The currents flowin' north from the Indian Ocean and southern seas rush up between Africa and America.

Wal, 'bout the time the rotgut wus flowin' good an' frekent, they started in to pool fer the prettiest wench in the room, as is the custom down ther'. Brown, he wus dead set on his gal winnin', I guess; an' 'Dyke Hole' Bill, he'd got a pretty tidy filly wi' him hisself, an' didn't reckon as no daisy from a bum saloon could gi' her any sort o' start.

"You'll have to be patient with me for a little while, Henry," said Sol in a tone of humility. "When I wuz layin' thar in the lodge with my hands an' feet tied I wuz about eighty years old, jest ez stiff ez could be from the long tyin'. When I reached the edge o' the woods the blood wuz flowin' lively enough to make me 'bout sixty.

Do jest see them great waves and fields of lava, milds and milds of 'em, once jest melted fire, rollin' on and rollin' on what a sight!" sez I. On one side wuz a sort of a high terrace, over which the fiery flames had fell and hardened into solid waves lookin' some as our Niagara would look if her flowin' waters should suddenly harden as they flowed.

My frends, you air neat and tidy. Your lands is flowin with milk and honey. Your brooms is fine, and your apple sass is honest. When a man buys a keg of apple sass of you he don't find a grate many shavins under a few layers of sass a little Game I'm sorry to say sum of my New Englan ancesters used to practiss.

How could I tell! but it kep' silent and has been mindin' its own bizness and runnin' stiddy for over six hundred years that we know on and can't tell how much longer. Exceptin' in the great earthquake at Lisbon about a hundred and fifty years ago, it stopped most still for a number of days, mebby through fright, but afer a few days it recovered itself and has kep' on flowin' stiddy ever since.

The wicked hev it their way fur a while, an' then they don't. They don't ever seem able to finish up their work. Sometimes I think the right is jest like a river flowin' on in its nateral channel, an' boun' to git to the sea after a while, no matter what happens. The wrong is all them dams, an' san' bars an' snags, and brush an' drift-wood that people an' chance pile up in the way.

'Tis their lot to smile on virtue and to collar what is wrong, And to intercept the happy flowin' bowl. They've a notion, that in glory, when we wicked ones have chains They will all be major-generals and that! They're a lovely band of pilgrims are the Riders of the Plains Will some sinner please to pass around the hat?"

And 'tennyrate men's moods are like the onfathomable sea, sometimes turbulent, throwin' up stunny arguments and sandy ones, and agin flowin' calm and smooth as ile, and this wuz one of the gently swashin' ones. "Id'no," sez he, "and I told her so, what wimmen want rights for, or to vote; I never wanted wimmen to vote, I told her they wuz too good, they wuz too near angels to have rights.

"Very interesting, Shon," he said, as he rose, puffing hard till his face was in a cloud of smoke. "You had many adventures together, I suppose," he continued. "Adventures we had and sufferin' bewhiles, and fun, too, to the neck and flowin' over." "You'll spin us a long yarn about them another night, Shon"? said the Honourable.