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D' ye think this is downtrodden an' sufferin' Oireland an' yerself the tyrant Gineral French? Let 'em paint their noses anny color they loike; but green for preference. I'm tellin' ye, this is the land of freedom an' equality, an' ivery citizen thereof is entitled to life, liberty, and the purshoot of happiness, an' a man's nose is his castle, an' don't ye fergit it. Dis-charrrrged!

Now, my lady," he added, addressing her, "I see how you are sufferin', but I ask it as a favor that you will keep yourself quiet, and let me go on." "Proceed, then," said Lord Cullamore; "and do you, Lady Gourlay, restrain your emotion, if you can." "Thomas Gourlay I spake now to the father, my lord," said Corbet.

"Yes, indeed," Pinkey went on, complacently, feeling a glow of satisfaction at Wallie's lengthened countenance; "she does it every Christmas. She's kind to the pore and sufferin', but it don't mean nothin' more than a dollar she'd drop in a hat somebody was passin'." Noting the deep gloom which immediately settled upon Wallie, Pinkey could think of the prairie-dogs with more equanimity.

Paul, you ought to a-let me put a knife in atween his ribs when I had the chance. I might a-saved some good lives an' a power o' sufferin'." Paul did not reply, but he was not sorry that he had interfered. He could not see a bound youth killed. "I think we'd better be goin' now," said Tom Ross.

You outgrow them mostly." "Then we won't get any more for a long, long time," said Rosanna. "Minnie, what do you think about my hair?" "I will have to comb that for you, dearie; it is so very long and thick." "I was thinking," said Rosanna slowly, "about docking it. It is a great bother." "Oh, my sufferin' soul!" cried Minnie, with a face of horror. "Oh me, oh my!

"Suppose," said the cook, "some one what liked you, Jem what liked you, mind 'eard you say this over and over again, an' see you sufferin' and 'eard you groanin' and not able to do nothin' for you except lend you a few shillings here and there for medicine, or stand you a few glasses o' rum; suppose they knew a chap in a chemist's shop?" "Suppose they did?" said the other, turning pale.

Surely you ought to know that one like me, who suffered so much by the spillin' of blood, wouldn't wish to see my fellow-cratures sufferin' as I am? Oh, no! I forgive the Purcels, and why shouldn't you? an' the worst prayer I have for them is, that God may forgive them and change their hearts!"

"To them tossin' on beds of nervous sufferin', who lay for hours fillin' the stillness with horror, with dread of the bells, where fear and dread of 'em exceed the agony of the clangor of the sound when it comes at last. Long nights full of a wakeful horror and expectency, fur worse than the realization of their imaginin's.

Didn't they all suffer? the Lord and all his? It tells how they was stoned and sawn asunder, and wandered about in sheep-skins and goat-skins, and was destitute, afflicted, tormented. Sufferin' an't no reason to make us think the Lord's turned agin us; but jest the contrary, if only we hold on to him, and doesn't give up to sin."

But this is your game, Bill, an' it's up to you to put it thro'. I 'low you'd make an elegant wet-nurse so soft and motherish." But Bill had had enough, and turned upon the face at the window in his most savage manner. "See here," he cried, with fierce irony, "we've all know'd you since Sufferin' Creek was Sufferin' Creek, an' nobody ain't never kicked.