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But by-and-by he accounted for this inverse ratio of gaiety, as he perceived how quickly Mr. Wilkins had his glass replenished. And here, again, Mr. Corbet drew his conclusions, from the silent way in which, without a word or a sign from his master, Fletcher gave him more wine continually wine that was drained off at once. "Six glasses of sherry before dessert," thought Mr. Corbet to himself.

It is not necessary here to suggest to the reader that Tom Corbet, who knew the baronet's secrets and habits of life so thoroughly, had prepared Mr. Ambrose Gray, by frequent rehearsals, for the more adroit performance of the task that was before him.

During this time he became rather intimate with Ralph Corbet; many of their tastes were in common. Ralph took a great interest in the manner of working out political questions; in the balance and state of parties; and had the right appreciation of the exact qualities on which the minister piqued himself.

This, as we have said, manifested itself in some degree, on hearing that Corbet and his sister had something to say to him in the next room. Now, however, the change was decided and striking.

Corbet; and he's a grand counsellor now one of them as goes about at assize-time, and speaks in a wig." "A barrister, you mean," said Miss Monro. "Ay; and he's something more than that, though I can't rightly remember what," Ellinor could have told them both.

I am not able to do it yet." "I don't properly understand you," said the other; "or rather, I don't understand you at all. Do you mean what you have just said to be favorable or otherwise?" "I have come to a resolution," replied Corbet, "and time will tell whether it's in your favor or not. You must be content with this, for more I will not say now; I cannot.

"Not at all," she replied, quickly; "I am sure, if you had seen the man, with one or two side-locks of hair combed over his baldness, as if he were ashamed of it, and his eyes that never looked at you, and his way of eating with his knife when he thought he was not observed oh, and numbers of things! you would not think it strange." Mr. Corbet smiled.

Turning over the pages with knitted brows, he searched for a spell to be used against Perrin Corbet. At last he found it. "Ah, it is quite easy to draw blood, and it need be but a drop!" he muttered, "scratch his hand with my knife and it is done! Then, he will walk in his sleep to the Haunted House. There I will meet him! Ah, Perrin Corbet, it will be your turn to be down on the ground!

Mary Corbet had returned to London by the middle of July; and Hubert was not yet returned; so Sir Nicholas and the two ladies had the Hall to themselves. Now it must be confessed that the old man had neither the nature nor the training for the rôle of a conspirator, even of the mildest description.

They then separated; Corbet to conduct poor Fenton to his dreary cell in a mad-house, and Sir Thomas to seek that upon which, despite his most ambitious projects, he had been doomed all his life to seek after in vain rest on an uneasy pillow. Retributive Justice, or the Robber robbed. In the days of which we write, travelling was a very different process from what it is at present.