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When it appeared that Chinese likin revenues were to be hypothecated to foreign bankers in connection with a great railway project, it was obvious that the Governments whose nationals held this loan would have a certain direct interest in the question of the carrying out by China of the reforms in question.

"Owing to the collection of likin the development of both home and foreign trade has been arrested and the people are working under great disadvantages. Hence in order to develop foreign and home trade, the Government must do away with likin, which will bring back business prosperity, and in time the same will enable the Government to obtain new sources of revenues.

"Perjury," said the judge laconically. "What's it worth to a man? I reckon it's like drinkin' and stealin', it's got so many days and costs chalked up agin it?" "I think," said the judge quietly, "that you would better tell me what you mean. Ordinarily I should not care to mix in your concerns, but on Nellie's account " "God take a likin' to you, boss!" cried Montgomery.

'What dress would ye be likin' to array yerself in? asked Magsie. 'I'm not going to dress for dinner. 'Not goin' to dress for dinner! But the master, he dresses like most people i' the evenin', and the young leddies and gentlemen and Mrs Constable, they sit down at the table ah, weel! as them as is accustomed to respec' their station in life.

"Well, I looks to the sky, and I sees it was a considerable of a piece yet to daylight down, so I begins to pick strawberries as I goes along, and you never see any thing so thick as they were, and wherever the grass was long, they'd stand up like a little bush, and hang in clusters, most as big and twice as good, to my likin', as garden ones.

Many carry foreign flags, by which they are exempt from the Chinese likin duties, so capricious in their imposition, and pay instead a general five per cent. ad valorem duty on their cargoes, which is levied by the Imperial Maritime Customs, and collected either in Chungking or Ichang.

Meantime preparatory measures should be devised for reorganizing the method of collecting duties set forth above so that the abolition of likin can take place as soon as the Government obtains the consent of the foreign Powers respecting the increase of Customs tariff." The following memorandum was drawn up by Dr. C.C. Wu, Councillor at the Chinese Foreign Office and son of Dr.

But jest as it is always the way with wimmen, the more care I took on it, the more it needed me and depended on me, the better I liked it. Till I got to likin' it so well that it wuzn't half so hard a job for me to go out to feed it in the night as it would have been to laid still in my warm bed and think mebby it wuz cold and hungry. So I would pike out and feed it two or three times a night.

Fel Ambition, wert but thou away, Could we thy hauntin' form no more, nor see; How sweet 'twould be to linger on with A-, How sweet 'twould be to dwell for aye with G-." Wall, as I say, she gin good satisfaction in the deestrict and I declare for it, I got to likin' her dretful well before the winter wuz over.

I knew I was a rough man, not the kind many women folks might take to I never quite got over Her likin' me nor did a whole lot of people and 'twas natural a woman of the kind her aunt must be, didn't like her marryin' a man like me.