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But Maister Roland, his mind's fu' of his books. He's aye civil and kind, and a fine lad; but no that sort. And ye see it's for a' our interest, Cornel, that you should stay at Brentwood. I took it upon me mysel to pass the word, 'No a syllable to Maister Roland, nor to the young leddies no a syllable. The women-servants, that have little reason to be out at night, ken little or nothing about it.

Protherick, the widow of a Superintendent of Convicts' Barracks, with a stately indignation mantling in her sallow cheeks. "I am ordinarily the most patient creature breathing, but I do confess that the stupid vicious wretches that one gets are enough to put a saint out of temper." "We have all our crosses, dear leddies all our crosses," said the Rev. Mr. Meekin piously.

If yer provost and baillies lookit efter things as they ocht, there wad be a dacent puirs-house for the idignant folk, an' a wheen daft leddies like Eesabel needna gang roun' speirin' at yon infeedels for their siller tae build a hoose o' refuse."

But, sir, I would like to ken what to ca' her, whether your grace or your honour, or your leddyship, as we say to lairds and leddies in Scotland, and I will take care to mind it; for I ken leddies are full mair particular than gentlemen about their titles of honour." "You have no occasion to call her anything but Madam.

They're like leddies, living out in a place they call in Massachusetts; and the lad, he was on a farm there. But we don't know where he is nor his sisters any more just now. And the wife, she thinks she would like to go out to America and see the children." "Do you hear from them regularly?" "Well, it's only a few pounds they send, but they're doing very well.

'With four or five of our own tall carles, we may win the castle, and laugh at the German pock-puddings, added Ringan. 'Let them gang their gate, and we'll free our leddies. George was tempted, but he shook his head. 'That were scarce knightly towards the Duke, he said. 'He has been gude friend to me, and I may not thus steal a march on him.

"He just did, gin Mrs Kezia had nae had mair wit nor himsel'. She sent ye her loving recommend, young leddies, and ye was to be gude lassies, the pair o' ye, and no reckon ye kent better nor him that had the charge o' ye." "Sam, you put that in yourself," said Angus. "Atweel, Sir, Mrs Kezia said she hoped they'd be gude lassies, and discreet that's as true as my father's epitaph."

When they came into the hall, through the group of lounging gownsmen and tourists, they found Bowie arguing with Mrs. Lewis, in his dogmatic Scotch way, "So ye see, madam, there's no use defending the drunken loon any-more at all; and here will my leddies have just walked their bonny legs off, all through that carnal sin of drunkenness, which is the curse of your Welsh populaaation."

The daughter of that woman blind, Abessa, daughter of Corecca slow But why talk I of these things to thee? my poor Lovel has spoiled me, and taught me to speak aloud when it is much the same as speaking to myself. Where's my nephew, Hector M'Intyre?" "He's in the parlour, sir, wi' the leddies." "Very well," said the Antiquary, "I will betake me thither."

"Wast a ship-letter?" asked the Fornerina. "In troth wast." "It wad be frae the lieutenant then," replied the mistress of the rolls, somewhat disappointed "I never thought he wad hae lookit ower his shouther after her." "Od, here's another," quoth Mrs. Mailsetter. "A ship-letter post-mark, Sunderland." All rushed to seize it. "Na, na, leddies," said Mrs.