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Colonel James Bowie's awful knife is a twin of this monstrous birth. In long years of dark national shame our country will curse the memory of the "two Colonels." They were typical of their different sectional ideas. These men gave us the present coat of arms of San Francisco: the Colt's revolver and the Bowie knife.

But Tammas tells me that the wright grossly abused his position, by praying at such length that Craigiebuckle fell asleep, and the mistress had to rise and hang the pot on the fire higher up the joist, lest its contents should burn before the return from the funeral. Loury grew the sky, and more and more anxious the face of Little Rathie's daughter, and still Bowie prayed on.

"They are going to build a bridge!" was the cry that went through the Alamo. "A bridge? Where?" asked Crockett, and, when told, he smiled, and patted his rifle. "Let 'em try it!" The Mexicans did try, and soon a detachment of at least a hundred were at work. About forty of the garrison, led by Bowie and Crockett, opened fire upon the workers, and at least a dozen were killed.

The men were to carry the blazing torch throughout the settlements, telling all the Texans that the Mexicans were coming and that they were bringing war with them. But Bowie, "Deaf" Smith and Karnes kept on with Ned and Obed. "We're taking you to Sam Houston," said Bowie to Ned. "He's to be the general of all the Texan forces, we think, and we want you to tell him what you've told us."

He nodded to the senior of her guards. "See to it, Bowie, and bring her to the com room as soon as the conference convenes."

He was about to retire, but paused at the threshold of the green door. "Beg parding, sir, but if I might make so bold as to ax " "Go on, Bob," said Fred encouragingly. "I heerd ye say to our cashier, sir, that you wos goin' for to chase the sun. Wot sort of a chase may that be, sir?" "Ha! Bowie, that's a curious chase, but not a wild goose one, as I hope to show you in a month or two.

Here, despite the recent work of the cannon, all things looked familiar. He could mark the very spots where he had stood and talked with Crockett or Bowie. He knew how the story of the immortal defence would spread like fire throughout Texas and beyond. When he should tell how he had seen the faces of the heroes, every heart must leap.

But Travis' faith in Bonham, at least, was justified. The next night, about halfway between midnight and morning, in the darkest hour, a man scaled the wall and dropped inside the plaza. It proved to be Bonham himself, pale, worn, covered with mud and dust, but bringing glad tidings. Ned was present when he came into the church and was met by Travis. Bowie, Crockett and Smith.

They said that over one hundred and fifty angry Indians Tawakonis, Wacos and Caddos were on the same trail, to kill every Texan that they found. No stranger should be permitted in the San Saba country. "But if you will turn back," added the Comanche chief, "I and my men will go with you and we all will fight them, together." "No," Jim Bowie replied.

"Seeing that with the cussed cold I wan't agoin' to get a wink o' sleep, I gathered a wheen o' the buffler-chips. I then dug a hole in the ground with my bowie, an' hard pickin' that wur; but I got through the crust at last, and made a sort o' oven about a fut, or a fut and a half deep.