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"Why, Hodder," said Miss Rosalind, "whatever's the matter? What a noise you're making! What has happened?" "Happened!" cried the old man with a voice quavering into a shrill treble. "How would he like it himself? Seventy years, boy and man, have I sat here, like my father before me. I've seen yon elm grow from a stick to what she is now. I've buried all my kith and kin bar them two lassies."

Ay, nor she never tumbled off into the mire, and found she could not fly a bit, and all the insects went darting past her as safe as if she were a dead leaf? Eh, my lassies, this would be a poor world, if it were all. I have seen something of it, though you thought not, likely enough. But flowers are flowers, and dirt is dirt, whether you find them on the banks of the Thames or of Ellen Water.

"I can't see what they can gain by loafing around them parts, as the lassies used to obsarve in the ould country when any of the laddies tried to cut me out wid 'em. They need n't watch for us to come out that way, for there ain't much danger of our trying to steal out of that hole " "Holloa! Look there!" exclaimed Fred, in considerable excitement; "some of them are coming down to catch us."

All the lassies who laughing were When hearts were light and lads were here, Go sad-eyed, wandering hither and there They pray and they watch for the morning. Every house has its vacant bed And every night, when sounds are dead, Some woman yearns for the pillowed head Of him who marched out in the morning.

It's the same wi' ministers. A' at aince they see a lassie no' unlike ither lassies, away goes their learning, and they skirl out, 'You dawtie! That's what comes to all." "But it hasna come to Mr. Dishart," cried Rob Dow, jumping to his feet. He had sought Haggart to tell him all, but now he saw the wisdom of telling nothing. "I'm sick o' your blathers.

For a long time he was silent, and I saw the servant lassies look at one another, their terrors all forgot in the beauty of his picture, for there was colour in his very tone. "Then my love looked into my soul.

Her brown hair curled at her white neck, and her white chin was strong like a man's, but very soft and beautiful; her lips red, and her teeth like pearls. She was silent for the most part on the road that day, though whiles she would be quizzing her brother about the lassies in the college town, for he had two years of the College at St Andrews.

Lord, what a hand for the lassies that lad was and he had thought him such an aloof one! "Masquerading as a woman so he could take me to a reception." Jinny began to falter. Just putting that escapade into words portrayed its less commendable features. "It was a woman's reception," she began again, "at a Turkish house. A marriage reception "

"Two young Scottish lassies, Kate, who died two hundred years ago, and were buried here, and this is the ballad "'Bessie Bell and Mary Grey They were twa bonnie lassies, They biggit a hoose on yonder brae And theikit it ower wi' rashes."

You can speculate about a boy so much more than about a girl. Gavin, what is it a woman thinks about the day her son is born? yes, and the day before too? She is picturing him a grown man, and a slip of a lassie taking him from her. Ay, that is where the lassies have their revenge on the mothers.