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And as sune as that thing was gane, Tam's held drapt upon his shouther, and they pu'd him up like a deid corp, dadding on the craig. Up he sat. "Rin, Geordie, rin to the boat, mak' sure of the boat, man rin!" he cries, "or yon solan'll have it awa'," says he. The fower lads stared at ither, an' tried to whillywha him to be quiet.

And it seemed the solan understood about knives, for nae suner did the steel glint in the sun than he gied the ae squawk, but laigher, like a body disappointit, and flegged aff about the roundness of the craig, and Tam saw him nae mair. And as sune as that thing was gane, Tam's held drapt upon his shouther, and they pu'd him up like a deid corp, dadding on the craig. Up he sat.

They had made a fine hosenet for me when I was absent twa or three days at Glasgow, upon the king's business But I think I broke up the league about their lugs they'll no be able to hound one clan against another as they hae dune. I hope soon to see the day when a' Hielandmen will stand shouther to shouther. But what chanced next?" This again moved the outlaw's risibility.

And mair than a' that, if ye prove fause-hearted, I'll choke ye wi' this windin-sheet, and fling ye owre my shouther, and carry ye to Arangask kirkyard, and gie ye to the witches, to pick your banes ahint the aisle, afore ye get leave to gang aff the earth." Having uttered this terrible malediction, it shook its winding-sheet, and then waved the candle round its head.

The poor Hieland body, Dugald Mahoney, cam here a while syne, wi' ane o' his arms cuttit off, and a sair clour in the head ye'll mind Dugald? he carried aye an axe on his shouther and he cam here just begging, as I may say, for something to eat. But he grat when he spak o' the Colonel, ye never saw tie like.

The "picketing" went on for a little while longer, but it was of no use against a body of strong men who stood "shouther to shouther," as the new hands did. It was even bruited about that there were more trains to follow! It very soon became clear that the back of the strike was broken.

While he spoke his mouth twitched oddly, but instead of his bursting into the laugh of enjoyment natural to him at the discomfiture of another, his mouth kept on twitching and his eyes staring. "Ye maun hae seen him yersel' ower my shouther, my lord," hinted Malcolm. "I saw your face, and that was enough to " But the marquis did not finish the sentence.

But it was weel on for five years since I had singled her out; and though I never said a word anent the subject o' matrimony, yet I had reason to think she had a shrewd guess that my heart louped quicker when she opened her lips than if a regiment o' infantry had stealed behint me unobserved, and fired their muskets ower my shouther; and I sometimes thought that her een looked as if she wished to say, 'Are ye no gaun to ask me, David?

But maybe.�-What kin' o' chiel' 's Bruce?" "He's terrible greedy." "'Deed micht he." "Is he honest?" "That's hard to answer. But I s' gar him be honest wi' regaird to her, gin I can." "Wad he chait?" "Ay. Na. He wadna chait muckle. I wadna turn my back till him, though, ohn keekit ower my shouther to haud him sicker. He wadna min' doin' ill that gude micht come."

"Wast a ship-letter?" asked the Fornerina. "In troth wast." "It wad be frae the lieutenant then," replied the mistress of the rolls, somewhat disappointed "I never thought he wad hae lookit ower his shouther after her." "Od, here's another," quoth Mrs. Mailsetter. "A ship-letter post-mark, Sunderland." All rushed to seize it. "Na, na, leddies," said Mrs.