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With his fingers clutching his roll of bills, Purdy's eyes sought the face of Cinnabar Joe. For an instant he hesitated and then slammed the roll onto the bar. "She goes as she lays. Count it!" The bartender picked up the money and ran it through. "Eighty-five," he announced, laconically.

They waited until they heard the warder's step clear the passage, and until his iron-shod boots were tramping over the cobbled path which led from the door, through the tiny garden to the road, before the second man spoke. "What are you in for?" he asked, in a low voice. "Murder," said John Lexman, laconically.

There was the Baron F , in an entire suit that dated from the coronation of Francis I.; the Chancellor N , with his deaf wife; the shabbily-dressed I , whose old-fashioned coat bore evidence of modern repairs: this crowned the whole. I conversed with some of my acquaintances, but they answered me laconically. "You know our ridiculous customs," he said.

You think it a mistake to work without profits, but Murdoch thinks it a sin. When I lay my plans before him I am quite prepared to hear him insist upon calling in an alienist." "It's YOUR money," Linder assented, laconically. "What are YOU going to do?"

And now I will tell you an anecdote. In the excess of my filial tenderness, I poured out a glass for papa, and offered it to him with my right hand. 'What is this? said he. 'Taste it, said I as laconically, but with more emphasis. He raised it to his lips; and, after a moment, recoiled, with such a face as sinned against Adam's image, and with a shudder of deep disgust.

He ventured to complain, telling Reine that she did not love him as she ought. "If I did not feel friendly toward you," replied the young girl, laconically, "should I have allowed you to talk to me of marriage?"

"How did you men know that we were here?" Reade inquired, while Dick and Greg made haste to get food together for the trip. "Saw your campfire," replied the deputy laconically. "We didn't believe Tag would build such a large fire, but we took a chance and looked in. If you haven't anything else to do, young Long-legs, you might pick out three stout clubs for your friends."

I thought we should be seeing your fire some night this spring. Been here long?" The tinker, who had remained seated on his log until he saw that a lady was of the party, rose and touched the edge of his fur cap to Betty in a way which indicated that his politeness was entirely for her. "Since yesterday," he answered laconically. "Only since yesterday!" exclaimed the policeman.

"The general, laying down the half-match that was the Forty-second Division, made an eloquent gesture with his hand, indicating the move that the Forty-second made. "'It might succeed, he said, laconically, 'or it might fail. It succeeded. Those men were exhausted; they won, nevertheless."

"I have read it," said the other laconically, "I think we have sufficient evidence to arrest van Heerden. The tile from the Grand Alliance shows traces of digitalis." Beale shook his head. "The case would fall," he said. "What evidence have you? We did not confiscate his medicine-case. He might have dropped a tablet of digitalis by accident.