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The big house that had been so quiet for four weeks was suddenly wakened as from a sleep. His noisy, joyous voice rang through the halls, and from cellar to garret. "'Bless the b'y! he's that plazed to git back, it does one's sowl good to hear him, said the housemaid. "Mrs. Morris was so busy for the first day or two that she saw little of Johnny.

D'ablish, th' loup-garou, the Frinchies call her; an' the white divil, the Injuns an' good rayson, f'r to me own knowledge she's kilt foive folks, big an' shmall, an' some Injuns besides. They claim she's a divil, an' phwin she howls, 'tis because some sowl has missed th' happy huntin' grounds in th' dyin', an' she's laughin'." "I don't know that I blame them," said Bill.

"The fit's on him: the fit's workin' on him still! By my Honor and Sowl, we shall be accessiry to a desartion yet. Only, twenty-eight days, as you say, sorr, or fifty-six, but think o' the shame the black shame to him an' me!" I had never seen Mulvaney so excited.

I stud to attenshin an' saluted: "Sorr," sez I, "av ivry man in this wurruld had his rights, I'm thinkin' that more than wan wud be beaten to a jelly for this night's work that niver came off at all, Sorr, as you see?" "Now," thinks I to myself, "Terence Mulvaney, you've cut your own throat, for he'll sthrike, an' you'll knock him down for the good av his sowl an' your own iverlastin' dishgrace!"

Come in." "I dinna ken whaur I'm gaein." "Never min' that. Come straucht foret. I'm watchin' ye." Whan God tells ye to gang into the mirk, gang!" "But I dinna like the mirk," said Annie. "No human sowl can," responded Thomas. "Jean, fess a can'le direckly."

"Why, is he dead, too?" "Be Gorra, no but the conthrairy to that. 'Twas his weddin' you seen passin' a minute agone." "Is it the young sogarth's? Musha, bad end to you, man alive, an' spake out. Tell us how that happened. Sowl it's a quare business, an' him was in Maynewth!" "Faith, he was so; an' they say there wasn't a man in Maynewth able to tache him.

"We kivered them, fait', will inough!" shouted the other grave-diggers. "Do ye belave, Colonel," said the dry person, again, "that thim ribals'll lave us a chance to catch them. Be me sowl! I'm jist wishin to war-rum me hands wid rifle practice." The others echoed loudly, that they were anxious to be ordered up, and some said that "Little Mac'll give 'em his big whack now."

"The way he said these woods brought a trembling all over my father, and his blood curdled in his heart. 'Oh, murther! says he to himself, 'it's my sowl he's wanting all the time. "'I've mighty little left, says my father, looking at him keenly, while he kept shuffling the cards quick as lightning.

Waw-unneeta, ay-usk thy sowl if we shud part," and "Nearer, my God, to Thee," and "Johnny Shmoker," and that variation of "John Brown's Body," where every time you sing over the verse you leave off one more word, and somebody always forgets, and you laugh fit to kill yourself, and just have a grand time.

"Every sowl in the townland of Ballymackt 'ud; and there's the upshot. But it's all Mr. Hickman, sir; for he tould them 'I will have none of this work, says he; 'the tenants musn't be harrished and fleeshed in this manner, says he. "I told you before, sirra, that I will have nothing offensive to him mentioned in my presence. Give this letter to Mr.