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"There's nae that mony o' 's just what ither fowk think us," said the minister's wife. "We're in general baith better and waur nor that. But tell me ae thing: what took ye, last nicht, straucht frae the kirk to the public? The twa haudna weel thegither!"

Ye're straucht and rare, ye're fause and fair Hech! auld John Armstrong's dearie!" His voice was mellow, and ought to have been even. His expression was perfect. The kettle was boiling. Mr Cupples made his toddy, and resumed his story. "As sune's I was able, I left my mither greitin' God bless her! and cam to this toon, for I wasna gaein' to be eaten up with idleset as weel's wi' idolatry.

"Some fowk says the auld man's name's no MacPhail, an' he maun hae come here in hidin' for some rouch job or ither 'at he's been mixed up wi'. "I s' believe nae ill o' sic a puir, hairmless body. Fowk 'at maks their ain livin', wantin' the een to guide them, canna be that far aff the straucht. "I was but tellin' ye what fowk telled me," returned the younger woman.

Gang yer wa's hame, an' come back straucht frae yer prayers the morn's mornin'. By that time she'll be quaiet in her coffin, an' I'll be quaiet i' my temper. Syne I'll lat ye see her maybe. I wiss I was weel rid o' the sicht o' her, for I canna bide it. Lord, I canna bide it."

They agreed to march straucht to the square if the alarm wasna given, but if it was they were to break into small bodies and surround the town so that you couldna get out. That's what they're doing now." At this the screams were redoubled, and many men lifted the weapons they had dropped. "Believe her not," cried Gavin. "How could a wandering gypsy know all this?"

I budena come ower them till a young laad like yersel'. They war never said straucht oot, min' ye, but jist mintit at, like, wi' a doon draw o' the broos, an' a wee side shak o' the heid, as gien the body wad say, 'I cud tell ye gien I daur. But I doobt mysel' gien onything was kent, though muckle was mair nor suspeckit. An' whaur there 's reik, there maun be fire."

He croonshed doon, an' jookit frae side to side, an' then jamp straucht up an' lut flee at something wi' the bissam shaft. Syne he stack the end o' the stick i' the flure, an' bored an' grunted like's he was rammin't through a pavemint steen.

"Half blin' wi' the nicht an' the snaw an' his ain tears, he cam at last to the door o' the sheep-cot. An' what sud he see there but a man stan'in' afore the door straucht up, an' still i' the mirk! It was 'maist fearsome to see onybody there sae far frae ony place no to say upo' sic a nicht!

We are in a bigger hole noo than ever we hae been in a' oor lives, an' mind that. I've made up my mind what I am gaun tae dae. Sae listen. I'm gaun straucht awa' ower to Rundell's the morn, at the time when Mr. Rundell gangs hame frae the office for his breakfast, an' I'll tell him everything aboot the contracts.

But jist i' the nick o' time by cam the guid Samaritan, an' set him rinnin'. Sae it was sune a sma' maitter to onybody but the ill neebour, wha couldna weel gang straucht to Paradise. Abraham wad hae a fine time o' 't wi' sic a bairn in 's bosom!" "Damn the women!