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"Oh, sir," repeated Caleb again, "you would but laugh if I tauld it; but Thomas the Rhymer, whose tongue couldna be fause, spoke the word of your house that will e'en prove ower true if you go to Ravenswood this day. Oh, that it should e'er have been fulfilled in my time!" "And what is it, Caleb?" said Ravenswood, wishing to soothe the fears of his old servant.

The banked fires of his smoldering grudges blazed forth in a sudden outburst of words that revealed the hopes he had been hiding. His natural cautiousness in his dealings with the master went by the board. "Noo it's yer time, chief! I'll hae at 'em the whole fause, feth'rin' gang o' the tykes, along wi' ye! Else it's heels o'er gowdie fer the woolen business."

"I mind it weel, man," answered James, "I mind it weel, and good reason why it was when you unclasped the fause traitor Ruthven's fangs from about our royal throat, and drove your dirk into him like a true subject. "Even so, gracious sovereign," said the old earl, "and may I yet farther crave to know if I have ever exceeded the bounds of your royal benevolence?"

With the fanaticism of the Scottish Presbyterians, there was always mingled a glow of national feeling, and Jeanie, trembled at the idea of her name being handed down to posterity with that of the "fause Monteath," and one or two others, who, having deserted and betrayed the cause of their country, are damned to perpetual remembrance and execration among its peasantry.

Ye're straucht and rare, ye're fause and fair Hech! auld John Armstrong's dearie!" His voice was mellow, and ought to have been even. His expression was perfect. The kettle was boiling. Mr Cupples made his toddy, and resumed his story. "As sune's I was able, I left my mither greitin' God bless her! and cam to this toon, for I wasna gaein' to be eaten up with idleset as weel's wi' idolatry.

But what's the use o' tellin' ye? ye ken it yoursel'. Ye wull be fause to 'im!" His lips were white with passion as he knelt again by the side of the unconscious boy. "Ye're verra gude to the lad, ma'am," he said to Mrs.

"What say ye to the auld Laird of Cuffabout?" said Saddletree; "he whiles thumps the dust out of a case gey and well." "He? the fause loon!" answered Deans "he was in his bandaliers to hae joined the ungracious Highlanders in 1715, an they had ever had the luck to cross the Firth." "Weel, Arniston? there's a clever chield for ye!" said Bartoline, triumphantly.

Oh, gin I had a bonnie ship, And men to sail wi' me, It's I wad gang to my true love, Sin' he winna come to me. Lang stood she at her true love's door, And lang tirled at the pin; At length up gat his fause mother, Says, "Wha's that wad be in?" Love Gregory started frae his sleep, And to his mother did say: "I dreamed a dream this night, mither, That maks my heart right wae.

Jarvis Barrow, white-headed, strong-featured, far yet, it seemed, from incapacitating old age, took his seat upon a great stone loosened from the mass. He leaned upon his staff; his collie lay at his feet. "Many wad say a lang time, with the healing in it of lang time, since a fause lover sang in the ear of my granddaughter, in the glen there!" "Aye, many would say it."

"Theer," said Sennacherib, ignoring the compliment, and scowling in a sort of dogged triumph at the placid old man behind Reuben's chair, "d'ye think as that could be beat if we spent forty 'ear at it? Theer wa'n't a fause note from start to finish, and time was kep' like a clock."