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Give us thee hond, mun; I'm darned but I must shak thee by the hond for thot. Gotten him at thy loodgin'? 'Yes, replied Squeers, staggering in his chair under the congratulatory blow on the chest which the stout Yorkshireman dealt him; 'thankee. Don't do it again. You mean it kindly, I know, but it hurts rather. Yes, there he is. That's not so bad, is it? 'Ba'ad! repeated John Browdie.

The other place of visit, or Zyara, is across a narrow valley, at a short distance from the former, on the summit of the mountain; it is called Mekan Shak el Kamr, or place where the moon was split-one of Mohammed's greatest miracles. "What shall I do," he replied, "to make you true believers?"

"You've got the wrong man. I'm no the one you're after." "Are ye no?" he asked me, laughing still. "Are ye no Harry Lauder? Ye look like him, ye talk like him! An' fancy meetin' ye here! Last time I saw ye was in New Cumnock gie's a shak o' yer haund!" I shook hands wi' him gladly enough, in my relief, even though he nearly shook the hand off of me. I told him where I was playing the nicht.

That these ales died hard in Devon and Somerset is seen by the repeated judicial orders. See also J.W. Willis Bund, Social Life in Worcestershire illustrated by the Quarter Sess. Rec. in Assoc. Archit. Soc., xxiii, Pt. ii , 373-4 . A.H. Hamilton, Quarter Sessions from Elisabeth to Anne , 28-9. Harrison, Descrip. of Engl., Bk. ii, New Shak. Soc., 32. Saml. Hale, Crim.

Upon this point which was first made in "Putnam's Magazine" for October, 1853, in the article "The Text of Shakespeare: Mr. Collier's Corrected Folio of 1632," Mr. Shak. Vol. See, too, in the following passage from "The Noble Stranger," by Lewis Sharpe, London, 1640, direct evidence as to the stage customs in London, eight years after the publication of Mr.

I do not mean that Thomas was felt to be such by all whom he encountered; for his ambition was to rouse men from the sleep of sin; to set them face to face with the terrors of Mount Sinai; to "shak' them ower the mou' o' the pit," till they were all but choked with the fumes of the brimstone.

The child learns out o' the two best books in the world, the Bible, and William Shakespeare's book; them's all the books she ever seed saw, I should say." "William Shak " began Captain Nazro; and then he broke off in sheer amazement, and said, simply, "Well, I'm blowed!" "The minister giv 'em to me," said Captain January. "I reckon he knows.

Pottie was juist in the middle o' a great hallach o' a lauch, when I grippit him by the collar. He swallowed the rest o' his lauch, I can tell you. "What hae ye dune till my man, ye nesty, clorty, ill-lookin', mischeevious footer?" I says, giein' him a shak' that garred him turn up the white o' his een.

'An' what think ye o' 't? says she, wi' a runklin o' her broos, an' a shak o' her heid, an' a settin o' her roon' nieves upo' the fat hips o' her.

I budena come ower them till a young laad like yersel'. They war never said straucht oot, min' ye, but jist mintit at, like, wi' a doon draw o' the broos, an' a wee side shak o' the heid, as gien the body wad say, 'I cud tell ye gien I daur. But I doobt mysel' gien onything was kent, though muckle was mair nor suspeckit. An' whaur there 's reik, there maun be fire."