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Crawley; who were also taking their meal there. The ladies engaged on both sides. Mrs. O'Dowd snapped her fingers in Mrs. Crawley's face and called her husband "no betther than a black-leg."

Jones say; and then afther he warn't just the betther of it." "Was that all?" "And I don't think he's none the worse for it neither, ma'am; for the masther do seem to have more life in him this day than I'se seen this many a month. Why, he's been out and about with her ladyship in the pony-carriage all the morning." "Has he now? Well, I'm delighted to hear that.

"Throth, then, I'm sorry for that," said Toal, "for she's a woman I don't like; an' I now say beforehand, that devil a traneen she'll be the betther of me, Art." "Settle that," replied Art, "between you; at all events, be ready on Sunday next the christenin's fixed for it."

Crook sits down in the quiet that fell whin we had gone down the valley, an' covers his face wid his hands. Prisintly we all came back again accordin' to our natures and disposishins, for they, mark you, show through the hide av a man in that hour. "Bhoys! bhoys!" sez Crook to himself. "I misdoubt we could ha' engaged at long range an' saved betther men than me."

There's betther heads than mine to undershtand these things, men that has the larnin', an' is the thrue frinds of Ireland. When I hear them spake from the altar 'tis enough for me. I lave it to them. Ye couldn't turn me in politics or religion, an' I wouldn't listen to anybody but my insthructors since I was twelve inches high."

Did ye want me not to see him, for' we were standin' talkin' in the dhark, outside the veranda av Bragin's quarters 'you'd betther tell me to shut me eyes. Onless I'm mistaken, he's come now. "An', sure enough, the Corp'ril man was walkin' to us, hangin' his head down as though he was ashamed av himsilf. "'Good-night, Mrs.

"But av' he's nothing betther for you to do, than to send you here bally-ragging and calling folks out of their name, he must have a sight more money to spare than I give him credit for; and you must be a dale worse off than your neighbours thought you, to do it for him."

Whippersnapper, if that's the name you go by." "No, it's not the name I go by; I've as good a name as your own, Mr. O'Reirdon, for want of a betther, and that's O'Sullivan." "Throth there's more than there's good o' them," said Barny. "Good or bad, I'm a cousin o' your own twice removed by the mother's side."

"Maybe he'd be afther saying we murdhered her for her money," said the widow, with a shudder. "He can hardly complain of that, when he'll be getting all the money himself. But, however, it's much betther, all ways, that Doctor Colligan should see him." "You know, Mrs Kelly," said the Doctor, "as a matter of course he'll be asking to see his sister."

The family supper was tea, in compliment to Denis; and they all partook of it with him. Nothing humbles the mind, and gives the natural feelings their full play, so well as a struggle in life, or the appearance of its approach. "Denis," said the father, "the time will come when we won't have you at all among us; but, thank goodness, you'll be in a betther place."