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Me good an' great frind fr'm Rhode Island has made me th' akel iv anny Chink that iver rolled a pill. Th' tariff bill wudden't be complete without that there item. But it ought to read: 'Opyum f'r smokin' while readin' th' tariff bill. Ye can take this sterlin' piece iv lithrachoor to a bunk with ye an' light a ball iv hop.

Was there any wan in the Ould Rig'mint to touch Corp'ril Terence Mulvaney whin that same was turned out for sedukshin? I niver met him. Ivry woman that was not a witch was worth the runnin' afther in those days, an' ivry man was my dearest frind or I had stripped to him an' we knew which was the betther av the tu.

"Glory! child, don't stand right in the way of the soap suds! There you go splashing all the clothes, and I'll have to wash 'em all over again. Oh, dearie, dearie me my heart's broke, and that's the truth I'm telling ye. Well, honey and so ye comes back to Mother Bunch when you want a rale drop of consolation. You know as the old Irishwoman's your frind, and don't bear no malice."

Afther awhile his daughter, the jook's financee, come along; an', seein' the jook, says she, 'Pappa, she says, 'inthrojooce me to ye'er frind. 'Jook, says Ganderbilk, 'shake hands with me daughther. She's your's, he says. An' so they were marrid. "Well, Jawn," said Mr.

Ye don't mean to say that's th' Sultan. Why, he looks like th' fellow that stops me ivry day on th' corner an' asks me have I anny old clothes betther thin what I have on. An' to think iv th' likes iv him rulin' over th' likes iv us. Let's throw him out. "So it was with me old frind Abdul. Wan day a captain an' a squad iv polis backed th' wagon up to th' dure iv th' palace an' rung th' bell.

For the hanner an' glory av all Dhraghoons, of the Ould Seconds, and of me pore bed-ridden frind, Patsy Flannigan, ye must go an' plug the wicked scutt, Matty darlint." "It was Flannigan's fault," replied Dam, daubing pipe-clay on the huge cuff of a gauntlet which he had drawn on to a weird-looking wooden hand, sacred to the purposes of glove-drying.

Run in after night." "Yes, an' be sunk by the blasted Britishers!" "He won't know ye after dark." "But, Terrence, what are we to do?" asked Fernando. "It's do, is it? faith, do nothin'!" "But the academy?" "It will get along without us." "But can we get along without it?" "Aisy, me frind; don't be alarmed. We'll be back in a week or a fortnight at most.

Here, take what's in this tumbler, an' finish it. Be a good boy and mind your lessons, an' do everything the masther here the Lord bless him! bids you; an' you'll never want a frind, masther, nor a dinner, nor a bed, nor a guinea, while the Lord spares me aither the one or the other." "I know it, Mr. Lanigan, I know it; and I will make that boy the pride of Ireland, if I'm spared.

I don't care a traneen which, only out o' pure frindship, let us have a morsel o' the rale kick-up,'t any rate. Frind or inimy, I say agin, if you regard me; sore THAT makes no differ, only let us have the fight." This excellent heroism was all wasted; Neal could not find a single adversary.

'Tis a shame f'r him to be desthroyin' white people without anny man layin' hands on him. Th' man's no frind iv mine. He ought to be impeached an' thrun out." "Divvle take th' sultan," said Mr. Dooley. "It's little I care f'r him or th' likes iv him or th' Ar-menyans or th' Phosphorus.