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The little girl in the old book is always thinking of what she is "going to be." Uncle Jerry Cobb spoiled me a good deal in this direction. I remember he said to everybody when I wrote my verses for the flag-raising: "Nary rung on the ladder o' fame but that child'll climb if you give her time!" poor Uncle Jerry! He will be so disappointed in me as time goes on.

"Yes, yes," said he, "you see the state of things: however, you will find your friend Bendel at home; he was sent back the other day so fatigued, that I assure you he has never left the house since. He will have a fine story to tell! So I wish you a very good night may we shortly meet again!" I had repeatedly rung the bell; at last a light appeared; and Bendel inquired from within who was there.

She saw how the vapors moved there, like men walking in fire, and she was vaguely recalling Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego, when, over the silhouetted heads of the crowd before her, a long black ladder rose, wobbled, tilted crazily, then lamely advanced and ranged itself against the south wall of the second warehouse, its top rung striking ten feet short of the eaves.

Then many told the tale of how the old horse had been turned out to starve, while his master hoarded and saved his gold. "The horse has rung the bell for justice, and justice he shall have," said the judge. "Go, bring the old knight to me."

A stream of other witnesses came and gave their stories. Brellier told of how he had been rung up by Merriton to ask if there were any news of Wynne's arrival at the house. Told, in fact, all that he admitted to know of the night's affair, and ended up his evidence with the remark that "nothing on earth or in heaven would make him believe that Sir Nigel Merriton was guilty of murder."

The victory is won, and the town is redeemed! hurrah! hurrah!" Such were the sounds that rose and rung among the rafters of the crowded old log Town House of Guilford, as, for the first time for several years, a New Statesman and whig moderator was declared elected by a majority of the suffrages of the freemen.

"Exactly, old boy!" said Peters, slapping his preceptor on the knee. "Exactly! I'm not one of your weak-headed ones. Oh no!" "Look here, Joe Morgan!" the half-angry voice of Simon Slade now rung through the bar-room, "just take yourself off home!" I had not observed the entrance of this person. He was standing at the bar, with an emptied glass in his hand.

One of the most remarkable of the traits of man is the restless advancement of desire, and consequently the never-ending search for contentment. What we look upon as a goal is never more than a rung in the ladder, and pressure of one kind or another always forces us on to further weary climbing. This is based on a great psychological law.

There was the portrait of another monk holding on to a ladder, each rung of which was labelled with a cardinal virtue. There was a crucifixion or two, and what elsewhere might well pass for a family portrait an elderly lady, with a cap of the period, nursing a spaniel.

If the morning-room bell has rung just as this person comes, it will be the one I'm expecting. 'Yes, miss. With a splendid impassivity in the face of precautions so unprecedented, the servant withdrew. Vida smiled to herself as she leaned back among the cushions of her capacious sofa, cutting the pages of a book.