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'We ought to come together, he says, 'an' show the people iv this ward, he says, 'how sthrong we are, he says. 'Ye might do it betther, me buck, says I, 'shovellin' slag at th' mills, I says. 'But annyhow, if ye'er mind's set on it, go ahead, I says, 'an' I'll attind to havin' th' polis there, I says, 'f'r I have a dhrag at th' station.

Outside there was a new clamour, faces showing at the door and then vanishing, and an anxious hum filled the hall.... Dobson appeared again and this time he was a figure of fury. "Are ye daft, man?" he cried. "I tell ye the polis are closin' round us, and there's no' a moment to lose if we would get back to the boats. If ye'll no' think o' your own neck, I'm thinkin' o' mine.

It would have gone hard with them as they left the cage, but someone whispered, "Here's the polis!" and so the crowd had to be content with beating their tin cans; and keeping time to the songs improvised by Tam Donaldson, they escorted the blacklegs to their homes. Next morning a large number of the strikers gathered at the Lazy Corner, enjoying themselves greatly.

On the other hand, it must be admitted that the British Officers, with their unfailing politeness and good spirits, made no small impression on them. The Subaltern once heard the old lady say to her husband "Eh! Mon vieux, quelle différence! Ils sont si gentils, si polis ... et les autres.... Ach! Les cochons!" "What an impertinence," he thought, "to compare us!"

Oh, Lord, but I'm relieved; I thought you were polis, but I see by your faces that I'm safe, at last I hope so." You're a gintlemen, si r you're a Con Roe the ace o' hearts you are. "Hould your drunken tongue, Ned," said he who seemed to assume authority over them; "we want to put this poor boy, who died of liquor to-night, into the bed, and I suppose you'll have no objection."

"Yes," said James, who had recovered his composure, "yes, my dear; but he gives you the accent in polis." "Does he though? I'm afraid that was beyond me." She paused to beam at James. "That pleases you?" "It's a sign of grace, certainly." So the squall blew over. James was dining out somewhere, so the sisters had a short dinner and a very long evening by the fire.

'He niver offered to enlist for th' war, he says, 'but 'twas Clancy put Terence on th' polis foorce an' got th' school f'r Aggie, he says. "That's the way I feel," said Mr. Hennessy. "I wudden't thrust Plunkett as far as I cud throw a cow be th' tail. If Dorgan was Clancy's war hero, I'd be with him." "Annyhow," said Mr. Dooley, "mighty few iv th' rale heroes iv th' war is r-runnin' f'r office.

"Sure good luck to the both of thim," said Ody, "Theresa Joyce is a plisant little bein', I'll say that for her, and divil a bit of harm there is in O'Meara aither. A fine chap he is for a sodger; not that they're any great things as far as I can see just pólis a thrifle smartened up."

He was a little tailor-man that wurruked in a panthry down town, an' I seen him weep whin a dog was r-run over be a dhray. Thin Casey 'd call on Doolan f'r to stand his ground an' desthroy th' polis, 'th' onions iv th' monno-polists, he called thim, an' Doolan 'd say, 'Hear, hear, till I thrun thim both out.

Women screamed an' waved their handkerchefs, sthrong men cheered an' wept; an' 'twas not until th' polis had clubbed tin hardy pathrites to death that th' lady cud enther th' house where her fate was to be sealed.