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An' whisper hether, Jerry not that I look upon Frank Finnerty an the man he ought to be, for we all know the narrow escape he had for the murder of Tom Whisky's son still an' all, he's safe wid Finnerty, bekaise he knows that we know where he is, and that if anything happened him we'd hould him accountable."

"You remind me," said he, "when you're a-gate on your doctrines, of the Kaffirs out at Kimberley. If one of them found an ould hat in the compound that some white man had thrown away, they'd light a camp-fire after dark, and hould a reg'lar Tynwald Coort on it.

'What do ye mane, you uncivilised bliggard? says his raverance. 'Is that a venerable way, says he, 'to approach your clargy? says he. 'Hould your tongue, says Bill, 'an' I'll do ye no harum, says he. 'Who are you, ye scoundhrel iv the world? says his raverance. 'Whisht! says he? 'I'm Billy Malowney, says he.

But wait; they say the villain is recoverin' that destroyed her well he may recover from the blow of Shawn-na-Middogue, but he will get a blow from me that he won't recover from. I will imitate Morrissy and will welcome his fate." "Aisy, Torley," said Casey; "hould in a little. You are spakin' now of Masther Charles?" "I am, the villain! warn't they found together?"

We must all learn by experience, you know. So come alone." "Hould on, ye spalpeen, till I git my wind!" But Martin was off again at full speed; and Barney's horse, scorning to be left behind, took the bit again in its teeth and went as he himself expressed it, "screamin' before the wind." A new sensation is not always and necessarily an agreeable thing.

When asked why he did not communicate an account of what he had seen to some one in the neighborhood before he went, he replied, that "at that hour the whole country was in bed, and when a man is flying for his life, he is not very anxious to hould conversations with any body."

By the elevens, I'll hould goold to silver that this is poor Fenton that disappeared so suddenly." "I beg your pardon, miss," said he, addressing Mrs. Scarman as an unmarried lady, as he perceived that she was the person from whom he could receive the best intelligence on the subject; "I hope it's no offence, miss, to ax a question?"

Grab all you can, and keep a hould of it when you've got it, sez I. But you're safe enough, no fear." Nicholas, watching his grandfather's face from his corner, would have given ten years of his life to throttle his uncle's reassuring speech midway.

Took a notion he would have water poured out for him at the last. It couldn't wash him clane, though. And shouting with his dying voice, 'I've sinned, O God, I've sinned! Oh, I delivered my soul, sir; he can clear me of that, anyway. 'Lay hould of a free salvation, says I. 'I've not lived a right life, says he.

I can't bid you hould your, modest face up, as the darlin' wife of him who loved you betther than all this world besides, but that left you, for all that a stained name an' a broken heart! Ay! an' there's what your love for me brought you to! What can I do now for you, Peggy dear? All my little plans for us both all that I dreamt of an' hoped to come to pass, where are they now, Peggy dear?