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Meetuck's duties were not light upon this occasion, as you may suppose. "Arrah, then, don't ye onderstand me?" cried O'Riley in an excited tone to a particularly obtuse and remarkably fat Esquimaux, who was about as sharp at a bargain as himself. "Hallo! Meetuck, come here, do, and tell this pork-faced spalpeen what I'm sayin'. Sure I couldn't spake it plainer av I was to try."

"I was afraid of being taken up " and here Joey stopped, for he hardly knew what to say; trust his new acquaintance with his father's secret he dare not, neither did he like to tell what was directly false; as the reader will perceive by his reply, he partly told the truth. "Afraid of being taken up! Why, what could they take up a spalpeen like you for?"

"It be more cleaner dan one pig, anyhow," remarked Bumble, on observing the disgust of his white friends; "an' you no objic' to eat dat." "Clainer than a pig, ye spalpeen!" cried Phil Briant; "that only shows yer benighted haithen ignerance.

It was that dirty spalpeen av a Podds." "Are you sure?" said Leonore, pleadingly. "You are not deceiving me?" "Begobs," said Dennis, "do yez think Oi could stand here wid a dry eye if he was dead?" Leonore put her head on Dennis's shoulder, and began to sob softly. For a moment Dennis looked aghast at the results of his speech, but suddenly his face changed.

"Ye ould spalpeen," muttered the indignant Irishman, "if it wasn't for fear of spoiling your wonderful booty, I'd turn you somersets off that hoss of mine, which I shall have to whitewash after getting him back, on account of your contact wid the same." Mickey was strongly tempted to send a bullet after the tantalizing horse-thief, but he thought he could wait awhile.

"Then your honour shall. Right glad was the King of England when the French champion fled back to France, for no sooner did the dirty spalpeen hear that they were going to bring De Courcy against him, the fame of whose strength and courage filled the whole world, than he betook himself back to his own country, and was never heard of more.

My old gran'mother used to tell me, whin I refused to go to the school that was kip be an owld man as tuck his fees out in murphies and potheen, says she, 'Ah! ye spalpeen, ye'll niver be cliverer nor the pig, ye won't. 'Ah, then, I hope not, says I, 'for sure she's far the cliverest in the house, an' ye wouldn't have me to be cliverer than me own gran'mother, would ye? says I. So I niver wint to school, and more be token, I can't sign me name, and if it was only to larn how to do that, I'll go and jine; indeed I will."

My old gran'mother used to tell me, whin I refused to go to the school that was kip be an owld man as tuck his fees out in murphies and photteen, says she: `Ah ye spalpeen, ye'll niver be cliverer nor the pig, ye wont. `Ah, then, I hope not, says I, `for sure she's far the cliverest in the house, an' ye wouldn't have me to be cliverer than me own gran'mother, would ye? says I. So I niver wint to school, and more be token, I can't sign me name, and if it was only to learn how to do that, I'll go and jine; indeed I will."

"Our blessing go wid ye," said Mickey, rising to his feet, and waving his hand toward the alarmed Apache; "we don't want to harm ye, and ye may go in pace. There, Soot," he added, as he came up beside him, "we showed that spalpeen marcy whin he scarcely had the right to expict it, and he will appreciate the same." "Ye're right," grunted the scout.

He told me that he had met with Father O'Toole, and had a bit of a dialogue with him, which had ended in a bit of a row, and that he had cudgelled Father O'Toole well, and tore his gown off his back, and then tore it into shivers, that Father O'Toole had referred the case to the bishop, and that was how the matter stood just then. `But, says he, `the spalpeen has left this part of the country, and, what is more, has taken Ella and her mother with him; and, what is still worse, no one could find out where they were gone; but it was believed that they had all been sent over the water. So you see, Peter, that this is a bad job in one point, which is, that we have no chance of getting the truth out of the old woman; for now that we have war with France, who is to follow them?