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"Stars and snakes!" said Brother Jarrum, whose style of oratory was more peculiar than elegant, "what flounders me is, that the whole lot of you Britishers don't migrate of yourselves to the desired city the promised land the Zion on the mountains.

Since William the Conqueror came over, or King Charles hid in her smoke-stack. You're as bad as the rest of these Britishers. If she's been run all that while, it's time she was flagged once or twice." The American was beginning to ooze out all over Wilton, and his small-boned hands were moving restlessly. "Suppose you flagged the Empire State Express, or the Western Cyclone?" "Suppose I did.

"Barry," she said, giving him her hand, "I have decided to be married to-morrow. I shall wire mamma." Barry answered her only with his eyes. "By Jove!" said Paula, "you Britishers are the limit, for stolid, unemotional people. Here am I shouting my head off like a baseball fan, to get this thing put through, and you quietly walk up and announce that everything's fixed but the band."

But we old sailors used to call all British ships 'lime-juicers, because they used to be the only ones that was compelled by law to carry lime juice." "Why lime juice?" Alice wanted to know. "To prevent scurvy, Miss. Lime juice, potatoes or anything like that will keep sailors from the scurvy disease, Miss. They found it out, the Britishers did, and made their ships carry such stuff.

As regards steam navigation, Fulton was before Bell; New York before Glasgow; the Fulton's Folly before the Cornet; and was "The greatest nation In all creation" to be outdone in the field of enterprise by the old Britishers? American pride said "No;" American instinct said "No;" and, above all, American capitalists said "No!"

"So far as I know the only law-upholding citizen in the place, barring yourself, is Sifton," said Ross, indicating the Englishman, who stood as if cold, pressing his hands together to hide their trembling. Lize perceived the irony of this. "Two Britishers and two women! Well, by God, this is a fine old town! What you going to do hold your men here all night?" "I don't see any other way.

This a'n't the newest news to me; I've been expectin' on't a long spell, an' I've talked consider'ble with Westbury folks about it; and there a'n't nobody much, round about here, but what'll stand out agin the Britishers, exceptin' Tucker's folks; they're desp'rit for Church an' King; they tell as ef the Lord gin the king a special license to set up in a big chair an' rewl creation; an' they think it's perticular sin to speak as though he could go 'skew anyhow.

Britishers and Americans were not such fools as to quarrel. Let everybody drink everybody else's health. The motion was carried NEM. CON., and a Dutch cheese was produced with much ECLAT. Samson coupled the ideas of Dutch cheeses and Yankee hospitality. This revived the flagging spirit of emulation. On one side, it was thought that British manners were susceptible of amendment.

He thinks me safe for to-night, but they are suspicious, those Britishers, and you and I must get through the passage to their lines to-night. I believe something is afoot, and they do not wish to run any chances. Lead on, Andy McNeal; before break of day I must know all, all that is possible, and be away." "Follow!" said Andy, trembling with excitement, but losing no time.

He began telling them a most horrible story of the impressment of himself and his friends by a British vessel and of their recent escape. He stated that they had been closely pursued, and he would not be surprised if the Britishers sent a boat on shore to take them away. He could not have chosen a better theme to inflame those Marylanders.