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Deacon Pitkin knew that he had made a very mean offer, and felt that he could afford to increase it somewhat; but he was a close hand at a bargain, and meant to get Ben as cheap as he could. "What was you expectin'?" he asked cautiously. "You must remember that you're only a boy, and can't expect men's wages."

He put up his large hand as he leaned back in his big leather chair, and covered his mouth and chin with it. Over those big knuckles, and bigger nose, thick and cartilaginous, his large, shaggy-eyebrowed eyes gleamed. His gray, bristly hair stood up stiffly in a short, even growth all over his head. "So that's it," he said. "You're expectin' trouble to-morrow. How are your own affairs?"

I 've ben out yere in them things a fore, an' they're sure hell. If we don't git sight o' thet outfit mighty soon, 't ain't likely we ever will. I 've been expectin' that wind to shift nor'east all day then we'll get it." He got down on his knees, endeavoring to decipher some faint marks on the sand.

"Hooray!" yelled Kyan, a little behind, as usual. A passenger or two peered from the coach window. The stage driver ironically touched his cap. "Thank ye," he said. "Thank ye very much. I've been hopin' for this for a long time, though I'd about given up expectin' it. I'm very much obliged. Won't somebody please ask me to make a speech?" Captain Elkanah frowned his disapproval.

"The Dutchman asked him what kind o' gem it was he had gotten frae the boy. "'It's a ruby, said the Jew. "'Oho!'said the Dutchman. 'It's a rare big one, though. How muckle might ye be expectin' to get for it across the water a couple o' hundred? "Then the auld Jew gave the Dutchman a wink, and said, 'Maybe a thousand dollars, mynheer.

Jack said under his breath, holding the whole of his umbrella now over the girl instead of half, while the agent replied, "Walk to Widder Biggs's! I'd say not. It's two good miles from here. You'll have to sit in the depot till it stops rainin' a little, and I'll find you a place till mornin'. Tim Biggs was here when the train or'to of come, and said he was expectin' a schoolmarm. Be you her?"

Wall, I told him I thought that would be a good plan, or words to that effect. I can't remember the exact words I used, not expectin' that I would ever have to remember back, and lay 'em to heart. Which I should not had it not been for the strange and singular things that occurred and took place afterwards.

Morrison looked at it carefully, tucked it in a fly-specked screen behind the bar, and with a satisfied air said: "Let's see you hain't had no supper, hev ye? Supper's most ready I'll go and tell the old woman you're here." "No I ain't stoppin' for supper," replied Bergstein, paying for his glass. "I'm going up to Thayor's place now; this feller Holcomb's expectin' me."

Ah, she will daze the een o' the greatest o' the earth in the bright springtime o' the Resurrection; and though I'm a little mon here, it may be I'll see o'er the heads of soom up there." "An ye had true humeelity ye'd be a-hopin' to get there, instead of expectin' to speir o'er the heads o' yer betters," said his wife in a rebuking tone. "'A-hopin' to get there'!" said Malcom with some warmth.

But Walter a Cleeve's back was turned towards the fence, and again Jim failed to recognise him. And Jim peered over the fence through a gorse-whin, undetected even by the poacher's clever eyes. "It's queer, too," went on Charley Hannaford slowly, as if chewing each word. "I hadn't even heard tell they was expectin' you, down at the Court." "They are not," Walter answered.