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If the loine is down I can continue on to the post, and make as quick time as any of the officers; if it is up it will be a matther of a short toime before we are pulled out of this hole. Plaze let me thry it kurnel.

Bolton had partaken of some of the rack-punch that is so fragrant at Vauxhall, the bill was called and discharged by Pen with great generosity, "loike a foin young English gentleman of th' olden toime, be Jove," Costigan enthusiastically remarked. And as, when they went out of the box, he stepped forward and gave Mrs.

"Nixt toime he thries to hit ye, knock off his head for his impidence!" "Aye, 'it 'im! Don't take nothin' off of 'im!" advised two of the cockneys. Sympathy lay with the smaller man. Smith continued his tiptoe dance and led a straight right.

We both of us looked at the saloon clock on the instant, sure, an' saw the toime, sor." "That is the last mark on the chart, then?" said the old skipper meaningly, pencil and compass in hand, and still bending over the tell- tale track map spread out on the wheel-house table. "Since that, nobody knows how we've drifted!"

He sighed deeply, folded up the report and thrust it into an official envelope. "Well, bhoys," he concluded, "we have done all that men can' for th' toime bein' anyways." Yorke laughed somewhat mirthlessly and gazed dreamily up at his pictures.

"Sure, an' it's proud I am to say yez, sorr," exclaimed the boatswain, touching the peak of his dilapidated cheese-cutter in salute, and with a smile of welcome on his genial face; "though it's lucky, bedad, ye didn't come afore, Misther Mackay, or faix ye'd have bin in toime to be too soon." "How's that, Rooney?" inquired the other with a pleasant laugh, showing his nice white teeth.

"The Liftinant's far down the hill wid the regiment," said Barney McGrath. "There's no toime to sind for him. Here, lit's pick thim up an' carry thim down to the wagon." He put his hand under Si's shoulder. The others did the same, Wat lifting Shorty's feet. "Halt, there, you Yanks, and surrender," said a stern voice just behind Wat.

"Well," said the man, "this morning Oi thought it was toime to get his igsillincy out of bed, for he had been dhrunk about a week and in bed most of the toime; and so Oi went to him, and says Oi, gentle-loike, 'Would your igsillincy have a cup of coffee? whin he rose up and shtruck me in the face.

Only once did her mind revert to the forbidden theme. Dinner was over and she stood watching Pat, who was fast disappearing on his way to school. "There's toimes to be spakin', and toimes to be kapin' still," she said. "Niver a word must I be sayin' till the rest of 'em's abed, and it's hard waitin', so it is. It's my belafe that's what makes some b'ys so unruly takin' 'em at the wrong toime.

She's a dacint woman, anough; but thim b'ys as is a-runnin' her carts is raisin' h ll all the toime." "And then look at the teams," chimed in Lathers, with a jerk of his thumb toward the dock "a lot of staggering horse-car wrecks you couldn't sell to a glue-factory. That big gray she had a-hoistin' is blind of an eye and sprung so forrard he can't hardly stand."