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At a parade of a company of newly-called-up men the drill instructor's face turned scarlet with rage as he slated a new recruit for his awkwardness. "Now, Rafferty," he roared, "you'll spoil the line with those feet. Draw them back at once, man, and get them in line." Rafferty's dignity was hurt. "Plaze, sargint," he said, "they're not mine; they're Micky Doolan's in the rear rank!"

"Av ye plaze, sir," said Briant to the Captain, wiping his forehead as he approached with a lump of tarry canvas which he used in default of a better pocket-handkerchief, "av ye plaze, sir, wot'll I do now?" "Do something useful, lad, whatever you do," said the captain, looking up from the hole which he was busily engaged in digging for the reception of a post to steady the hut.

"And now, an't ye a pretty set of boys, the whole of ye, blackguards that ye are! that ye can't dhrink yer sperrits quietly, in a lone woman's house, but you must be bringing the town on her, by yer d d ructions; and av I niver saw the foot of any of ye agin, it's little I'd be grieving for ye." "Quit that, you ould hag of the divil! or I'll give you more to talk about than'll plaze you."

"I'll not quit my nor-aist coorse for the king of Ingland, nor Bonyparty into the bargain. Bad cess to you, do you think I've nothin' to do but plaze you?" Again he was hailed. "Oh! bad luck to the toe I'll go to you." Another hail. "Spake loudher you'd betther," said Barny, jeeringly, still holding on his course. A gun was fired ahead of him.

Oi'll tell your Captain just fwhat Oi plaze, about you and your foight and your rations. Oi want no more worrids wid ye. Attintion, min! Shoulder, a-r-m-s! Roight face! Forward, foile left! M-a-r-c-h!" "I s'pose I ain't responsible for any o' the fairy tales with which that wild Mick'll fill up the Captain," said Si, self-consolingly, as Hennessey and his squad marched away in quick time.

"What!" exclaims Sir John, in feigned surprise, "was Pat ever in France?" "Indeed he was," cries mine host; and Pat adds, "Ay, and farther, plaze your honor." "I assure you, Sir John," continues my host, "Pat told me a story once that surprised me very much, respecting the ignorance of the French."

Pierre watched Macavoy, sitting with a sponge of vinegar to his head, for he had had nasty joltings in his great fight. A little laugh came crinkling up to the half-breed's lips, but dissolved into silence. "We'll start in the morning," he said. Macavoy looked up. "Whin you plaze; but a word in your ear; are you sure she'll not follow us?" "She doesn't know. Fort Ste.

Now, I'll putt ye in a little room all be yersilves, with a windy and a log-fire; cozy as ye plaze. Ye'll have nearly two hours to wait for the car-r from the village." We entered the general assembly-room. It was roomy and quaint, and somewhere above us was the inevitable room in which George Washington had slept. The great hooded fireplace was merry with crackling logs.

"And who is your husband?" said Herbert. "Murty Brien, plaze yer honor;" and the woman ducked a curtsey with the heavy load of two children on her back. It must be understood that among the poorer classes in the south and west of Ireland it is almost rare for a married woman to call herself or to be called by her husband's name. "And is he not at work?"

'What's your name? cried the Captain, addressing the first of the prisoners. 'Barney McQuig, an' plaze yer honor, was the reply, in a strong Hibernian accent. A sort of under-official, who was seated at the desk, whispered in the ear of the Captain of the Watch 'I know him, he's an infernal scoundrel, but he votes our ticket, and you let him slide, by all means.