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And you might get a small canning outfit they come as cheap as fifteen dollars and put up tomatoes, corn, peas, beans, and other things. Good canned stuff always sells well." "Good Land o' Goshen, Hiram!" exclaimed the old lady, in desperation. "You talk jest as though we were going to stay on the farm." "Well, let's go and see Mr.

Threats were made of tearing down her house; for she is a lady of very indifferent morals, and sells rum. Few of these people are connected with the mill-dam, or, at least, many are not so, but have intruded themselves into the vacant huts which were occupied by the mill-dam people last year.

Rome is more full of soldiers than of priests, and when he goes abroad it is with troops of men-at-arms about him, with helmets on their heads and lances by their sides, all his thoughts being given to war and to our hurt; nor does he overlook anything that can be used against us, not only inciting in France the Prince of Salerno and other of our rebels, but befriending every bad character in Italy whom he deems our enemy; and in all things he proceeds with the fraud and dissimulation natural to him, and to make money he sells even the smallest office and preferment."

Or the block becomes at once of service and finds tenants. In which case Jones probably sells it, and immediately builds two others twice as big. That Monroe P. Jones will encounter ruin is almost a matter of course; but then he is none the worse for being ruined. It hardly makes him unhappy.

Well, it is of use to the dealer who sells white lead for paint, to increase the weight of the lead, and it is the belief hereabouts that it is mixed with powdered sugar. The industry is profitable to those engaged in it. It was impossible to get much information about our route into Tennessee, except that we should go by Paint Rock, and cross Paint Mountain.

"Yes," she answered, "he makes much money which he puts in a bank at the coast, for living costs us nothing and there is great profit in what he buys and sells, also in the crops he grows and in the cattle. But," she added pathetically, "what is the use of money in a place like this?" "You can get things with it," I answered vaguely. "That is what my father says, but what does he get?

It is a matter simply of catching fish in their nets during the summer, and in winter trapping the ptarmigan or wild grouse and hunting the walrus and the seal. Their boats, or "kyaks," made from walrus-hide and repaired with ivory, are very ingeniously contrived and cleverly managed. They are naturally a very peaceful people, except when, in violation of the law, the white man sells them whisky.

An interesting account of the Baron's ancestors A quarrel relative to the spot where Noah built his ark The history of the sling, and its properties A favourite poet introduced upon no very reputable occasion queen Elizabeth's abstinence The Baron's father crosses from England to Holland upon a marine horse, which he sells for seven hundred ducats. A separation consequently ensued.

Quickly his little boy answered, "I can tell what it means. The fat cat is the saloon-keeper who sells you drink, the lean cat is mother and me, and the blind cat is yourself." "In one of our large cities," one day, "a laboring man, leaving a saloon, saw a costly carriage and pair of horses standing in front, occupied by two ladies elegantly dressed, conversing with the proprietor.

Then Buck Higgins was sauntering up and remarking, "Say, Sid Griggs, over t' th' Diamond Dagger, was tellin' me, t'day, how Injun and Whitey sells him herds o' fine pick'rul at six bits a throw." "Why don't they bring some home? When do they ketch them pick'rul? That's where they get th' cash!"