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She had not gone ten paces when the publican overtook her and asked: "Say, miss, where be yer a-goin'?" "Home," answered Janice. "Then come yer back an' rest a bit in the settin'-room, an' I'll have my boy hitch up an' take yer thar. 'T is a mortal warm day, an' I calkerlate yer've walked your stent." He put his hand kindly on her arm, and the girl obediently turned about and entered the tavern.

I explained, but added I had not seen any light on his vessel. "Well," said the man, looking upward, "that light's out, and ten to one it was out when we run inter ye. I'spect Abner didn't calkerlate for fillin' it for day work and night work too." The speaker was a grizzled man, middle-aged, and rather too plump for a sailor.

Janice requested, holding them out with one hand, while her other tendered a Spanish milled dollar, her eyes dropped groundward, as if to hide something. "Calkerlate I might; and who'll I say sent 'em?" "I say nothing at all but just give him the bunch."

I calkerlate to like her, and when they go to housekeepin' I've got a hull chest full of sheets and piller-biers and towels I'm goin' to give her, besides three or four bedquilts I pieced myself, two in herrin'-bone pattern, and one in risin' sun.

"What means this?" The constable, who was one of those seated on the stocks, removed a straw from between his lips, spat at the pillory post, much as if he were shooting at a mark, and remarked, "I calkerlate yer waan't at the meetin', squire?" "Not I," averred Mr. Meredith.

"We don't often do business down as fine as that," said the captain; "but then, on the other hand, we don't calkerlate to supply hotels, and couldn't if we wanted to." Walkirk appeared uneasy at the detentions which still awaited us. "Couldn't you take us straight on to Brimley," he asked of the captain, "and sail back to your home in the morning?"

"You haven't made it yet near as I can calkerlate," gruffly said Uncle Jabez. "And it's mebbe a question if you get much acquainted with Wonota. What's your business with her, anyway?" "I'll show you, old gent," said Bilby, taking a number of important looking papers from his pocket. "I have come here to get this princess, as you call her. The Indian Department has sent me.

"But them as knows me well callers calls me Slim Jim, and it's good enough fer the likes o' a shadder like me, too, I calkerlate. An' who might you be?" "I am Dick Rover. I was with my two brothers and an old miner named Jack Wumble when I slipped off my horse into the river over there and nearly lost my life.

For a good ten minutes the man waited, whistling softly the while, before Charles returned. "Waal, what luck?" asked the stranger ere Charles had come through the doorway. "Luck!" growled the bondsman. "The devil's own, as mine always is, curse it!" "From which I calkerlate that old Meredith wuz obstinate and wud n't set yer free." "Not he, plead my best.

"Yes," said Durward, trembling lest the next should be something concerning his stepfather but it was not. Settling himself a little further back in the chair, Joel continued: "Wall, I calkerlate that I'm some relation to Miss Graham. Be you 'quainted with her?" Durward knew that a relationship with Mrs.