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Ef he war 'quainted with ye when he lived in this life, he mought hev stopped an' jowed sociable fur a spell!" How brave this small boy was in the cheerful sunshine! Old Daddy hardly seemed impressed with the pleasure he had missed in losing a sociable "jow" with a ghostly crony.

Goin' to decyrate the grounds with lanterns an' have ice cream sent from Phillydelphy, and cakes, too. Can't make out what's come into Blinky to let that gal of his waste money like that." "I figger," says Hiram after a sapient pause, "she must be gettin' it up for thet New York dood." "Duncan?" "Uh-huh." "I didn't know he was 'quainted with the Lockwoods."

Miss Herbey, however, is unrelaxing in her attentions, and the unremitted diligence with which she fulfills her offices of duty, commands my highest ad- miration. This morning, Captain Huntly sent for Curtis into his cabin, and the mate has since made me ac- quainted with what passed between them.

Van Brandt. An' he laughed a lot, the way you do when you're just tickled to death, an' he said, ''Quainted? Well, I should say so! Miss Lang an' I are old, old friends! An' he kep' lookin' at her, an' lookin' at her, the way you feel when there's somethin' on the table you like, an' you're fearful 'fraid it will be gone before it's passed to you.

"Pleased to meet you," he said, just like grownup folks. Then Marmaduke piped up, "Make me acquainted, too." "To be sure," said the Toyman, "Mr. Marmaduke Green meet Mr. Jack Lantern." "Very glad to know you," said Marmaduke, bowing even lower than had Jehosophat, while Hepzebiah, dancing in her eagerness, shouted, "Make me 'quainted, make me 'quainted!"

"She does favor him to some extent in that respect," was the reply; "an' she's dark complected like him, but she's a mighty han'some girl, notwithstandin'. Both on 'em is han'some girls," observed Mr. Harum, "an' great fer hosses, an' that's the way I got 'quainted with 'em. They're all fer ridin' hossback when they're up here. Did you ever ride a hoss?" he asked.

For a moment the little face was thoughtful wistful then she added: "I wonder how it would feel to spen' the day in the woods onct. Archie B. says it's just fine and flowers grow everywhere. Oh, jes' to be 'quainted with one Jeree like Archie B. is an' have him come to yo' winder every mornin' an' say, 'Wake up, Pet! Wake up, Pet!

She did not smile, and she was still very pale, but I saw that she had regained her self-control, "Come right in," she said, in rather a tense voice, and, as I entered she added, in our rustic phrase for introduction, "Make you 'quainted with my friend, Mrs. Lindstrom. She's come up from the city to stay with me. And this is her little boy, Sigurd, and this is the baby."

I nevah did see a strange pusson tek anything so hard in all my life, an' den he talk to me, an' he say, 'Now, Sis' Dicey, is you notified any de neighbours yit? an' I said no I hain't notified no one of de neighbours, case I ain't 'quainted wid none o' dem yit, an' he say, 'How erbout de doctah? Is he 'quainted wid de diseased? an' I tol' him no, he des come in, da's all.

"Ef yer keeps on improvin', mayby yer'll git so yer kin he'p me arter 'while." "Mayby so," Alston answered. "But yer wouldn't he'p me, I reckon. Reckon yer'd he'p Edny Ann: yer likes her better'n me." "No, I don't." "Reckon yer likes somebody in Virginny more'n yer likes anybody on this plantation." "I's better 'quainted back thar'," said Alston apologetically.