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Molly put the coffee pot down by the ice water, dropped the dish towel into the wood box and allowed herself to be kissed, laughing gayly at the old darkey's expression of amusement. "Oh, yes, wife, wife, wife! That's all one er these here green husbands kin say. But I see right here ef I is comp'ny done come to spen' de day, I'd bes' put on a ap'on and git ter wuck.

"My uncle spen' mo' money 'n any white man n'is town." "Well, I rather be a general," said Penrod, "or a senator, or sumpthing like that." "Senators live in Warshington," Maurice Levy contributed the information. "I been there. Warshington ain't so much; Niag'ra Falls is a hundred times as good as Warshington. So's 'Tlantic City, I was there, too. I been everywhere there is.

I owned er whole block maself, an' was perpared to spen' ther balance of ma days at ease, but had ter sell ma house an' git out." "You say you are a carpenter house builder?" "Yes, sir." "You mean to say that you took contracts, planned and built houses?" "Oh, yes," replied the colored man. "I never saw a colored architect.

Delamere soothingly; "and now the next thing, and the simplest thing, is to get you out of this. I'll speak to the officers, and at the preliminary hearing to-morrow I'll tell them all about you, and they will let you go. You won't mind spending one night in jail for your sins." "No, suh, ef I wuz sho' I'd be 'lowed ter spen' it here.

Say nev' did know if WAS a name fer him 'tall. So I'z spen' the evenin' at 'at lady's house, Fanny, what used to be cook fer Miz Johnson, nex' do' you' maw's; an' I ast Fanny what am I go'n' a do about it, an' Fanny say, 'Call him Clematis, she say. ''At's a nice name! she say. 'Clematis. So 'at's name I name him, Clematis. Call him Clem fer short, but Clematis his real name.

At his first call as he alighted before the portico, Hosea came running for his horse, and when he entered the house, the cheerful face of Uncle Shadrach looked out from the dining room. "Hi! Marse Peyton, I 'lowed you wuz gwine ter spen' de night." "Oh, I had to get back, Shadrach," replied the Governor.

After they lan' they seem to think it's the greates' thing in the worl' that they've been permitted to wade through water instead of crossin' on a log, an' they spen' the balance of their time marchin' 'roun' an' singin': "'Billows of mercy, over me roll, Oceans of Faith an' Hope, come to my soul. "Don't want to fly to heaven want to swim there.

'Weel, it's no a God's-innocent but a deil's-gowk I'll hae to luik efter noo, and I maun come hame ilka possible chance to get hertenin frae you and my father, or I winna be able to bide it. Eh, mother, efter Steenie, it'll be awfu' to spen' the day wi' her! It's no 'at ever she'll be fou: I s' see to that! it's 'at she'll aye be toom! aye ringin wi' toomness!

I'd put a' awnin' over 'er in fair weather or when it rained and there wasn't much wind. She was a bloody good sailor, too, and ate like us, only she never went below except at night. I give her my cabin. She'd spen' hours lookin' over the side in a calm we had no engine an' she'd listen to all the yarns." Lying Bill burst out with one of his choicest oaths.

Turkey-red muslin with a large, white diamond figure was pasted on the plaster walls and hung in the doorways. "It very bes' the baroness could do in T'ytee," explained Lovaina. "She must be bright all about, and she buy and fix rooms. She have whole top floor Annexe, and spen' money like gentleman, two or three thousand dollar' every month. I wish you know her.