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Come again to-morrow morning and I'll be on the corner. Bring your 'cordion!" And she ran into the house, Mitchy-Mitch waving a loving hand to the boy on the sidewalk until the front door closed. Penrod went home in splendour, pretending that he and Duke were a long procession; and he made enough noise to render the auricular part of the illusion perfect.

Blakely was already beginning to be a little compensation for the ammonia outrage. Then, as the protracted silence which followed the introduction began to be a severe strain upon all parties, Penrod felt called upon to relieve it. "I didn't have anything much to do this afternoon, anyway," he said. And at that there leaped a spark in Margaret's eye; her expression became severe.

Music sounding at about this time, he was followed by the other boys, who came trooping down, leaving the dressing-room empty. Her amber curls were swaying gently in time to the music; she looked never more beautiful, and her partner was Master Chitten! A pang of great penetrative power and equal unexpectedness found the most vulnerable spot beneath the simple black of Penrod Schofield's jacket.

"I got my reasons for wantin' to keep this cat, and I'm goin' to keep it. YOU don't haf to ke " "Well, all right," Sam said shortly. "Anyways, it'll be dead if you don't hurry." "It won't, either," Penrod returned, kneeling and peering down upon the dark water. "Listen to him! He's growlin' and spittin' away like anything! It takes a mighty fine-blooded cat to be as fierce as that.

Penrod stared awkwardly at Fanchon, no other occupation suggesting itself to him, while Fanchon, with the utmost coolness, made a very thorough visual examination of Penrod, favouring him with an estimating scrutiny which lasted until he literally wiggled. Finally, she spoke. "Where do you buy your ties?" she asked. "What?" "Where do you buy your neckties? Papa gets his at Skoone's.

Schofield, and after a glance at Penrod which confirmed her impression that he intended to say something, she continued, "Yes, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful beautiful!" Penrod closed his mouth and sank back in his chair and his relatives took breath. Mr. Kinosling looked pleased. This responsive family, with its ready enthusiasm, made the kind of audience he liked.

The frantic youth's final submission was obtained only after a painful telephonic conversation between himself and his father, the latter having been called up and upon, by the exhausted Mrs. Schofield, to subjugate his offspring by wire. The two ladies made all possible haste, after this, to deliver Penrod into the hands of Mrs.

The whisper was close to his ear, and a gentle breath cooled the back of his neck. "Well, what you want?" Penrod asked, brusquely. Marjorie's wonderful eyes were dark and mysterious, like still water at twilight. "What makes you behave so AWFUL?" she whispered. "I don't either! I guess I got a right to do the way I want to, haven't I?"

Stung to fury, he charged upon the sheltering tree in the Schofields' yard. Ordinarily, at such a juncture, Penrod would have fled, keeping his own temper and increasing the heat of his pursuer's by back-flung jeers. But this was Wednesday, and he was in no mood to run from Sam. He stepped away from the tree, awaiting the onset. "Well, what you goin' to do so much?" he said.

From the inside he opened a window and passed vegetables out to Sam, who placed them in a bucket and carried them hurriedly to the stable, while Penrod returned in a casual manner through the house. Whitey now ate nine turnips, two heads of lettuce, one cabbage, eleven raw potatoes, and the loaf of bread.