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"She'll be taken good care of," finished the doctor, soothingly. "Please don't let them frighten my husband " said the woman herself, slowly, her distressed eyes moving from one face to another. "If I could be moved somewhere before he hears " "We won't frighten him," Susanna assured her tenderly. "But will you tell us your name so we may let him know?" The injured woman frowned.

"Don't be afraid," said her husband, soothingly, "It is as George says. Nothing but justice and kindness is needed to render these wild people firm friends to the whites." "I believe it," she replied; "but treaties with them have been so wickedly violated, and they are so shamefully cheated by Government-agents, that they naturally look upon all white men as their enemies.

I wish I had not said a word about the ornaments, but just let her wear them! I never meant to make trouble between my husband and his children! I never should have done so intentionally." "My dear child, you have no cause to blame yourself," Elsie said soothingly. "No, not a bit of it, Mamma Vi," cried Max, coming to her side.

Elsie did not speak, but dropping her head upon Adelaide's shoulder, burst into tears. "My poor child! don't cry so; better days will come," said her aunt soothingly, running her fingers through Elsie's soft curls.

It was long, long since he had seen them. Had he caus'd a letter to be sent them since he got here in Washington? No answer. I repeated the question, very slowly and soothingly. He could not tell whether he had or not things of late seem'd to him like a dream. After waiting a moment, I said: "Well, I am going to walk down the ward a moment, and when I come back you can tell me.

It did not reach half way to the zenith, however; the sky above was blue, of such a depth and transparency, that to gaze upward was like looking into eternity. Then how softly and soothingly the twilight came on! How deep a hush sank on the chesnut glades, broken only by the song of the cicada, chirping its "good-night carol!"

"An ignoble wretch did you call him?" she cried out with a hoarse husky voice, "an ignoble wretch! Take back your words, mother, take back your words, or " Katuti turned paler and paler, and said soothingly: "The words may sound hard, but he has broken faith with you, and openly dishonored you." "And shall I believe it?" said Nefert with a scornful laugh.

"Do you know, Jessica, I believe they're up to some hateful mischief. What did I tell you the other day? Those girls have given Grace the cold shoulder more than ever, since the game. They have been following Miriam about like a lot of sheep. Grace notices it, too, and it makes her unhappy, only she's too proud to say so." "Never mind," said Jessica soothingly. "They'll be sorry some day.

There were sobs in Robbie's voice, but no tears in his bloodshot eyes. "There, there, Robbie," whispered Mrs. Branthwaite soothingly in his ear; "rest thee still, Robbie, rest thee still." It was a pitiful scene. The remorse of the poor, worn, wayward, tender-hearted lad seemed to rend the soul in his unconscious body. "If he could but sleep!" said Mrs. Branthwaite; "but he cannot."

"What you want is a police-court lawyer if you're goin' in for this sort of thing." "My Lord! What's this now, Simmons?" she raved as the butler deprecatingly made his appearance again with another paper. "I think, madam," he answered soothingly, "that it's a summons for allowing the house man to use the hose on the sidewalk after eight A.M. Roony just brought it." "H'm!" remarked Mr. Pumpelly.