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Butler's attentions and civility to a lady of rank, a particular friend of his late brother, Lady Staunton of Willingham, who, being recommended to drink goats' whey by the physicians, was to honour the Lodge at Roseneath with her residence, while her husband made a short tour in Scotland.

Like a man elated beyond measure by an unexpected happiness, he overflowed with good-will, amiability, and attentions. He embraced the officers like brothers, almost with tears in his eyes. The released prisoners were presented each with a piece of gold. At the last moment, suddenly, he declared he could do no less than restore to the masters of the merchant vessels all their private property.

'Par value, one hundred dollars. I suppose that's just nominal. How much are they really worth?" "A hundred dollars a share," he answered grimly and as she cried out he picked up a pen and fumbled idly with its point. "Oh, surely they aren't worth so much as that?" she exclaimed, but he continued his attentions to the pen. "No?" he enquired and then he waited with an almost bovine calm.

But he could not hear the words which passed between them. "You pretend to love me," Bolton was saying. "Why don't you do what I want you to?" "If you'd like to go away from Brookville, father, I will go with you. You need me!" "That's where you're dead wrong, my girl: I don't need you. What I do need is freedom! You stifle me with your fussy attentions.

"Zounds, sir," said the Marquis, "you speak in a tone which does not at all become you; for I would have you to know, notwithstanding your contemptuous airs, that the Marchioness de Senantes is perhaps as worthy of your attentions as any of your French ladies, and that I have known some greatly your superiors, who have thought it an honour to serve her."

"You'd better give up that idea," said Alice, "for no one else agrees with you. You know perfectly he never paid you attentions. It was all ma who would think so. And you know, Matty, you can't deny it you did try to squeeze his hand the first day he danced with you." "I didn't," said Matty, flushing all over with indignation. "I think you both are cruel.

He advanced confidently, pressed Alice's hand warmly for several seconds, and placed a chair for her, without noticing the marked coldness with which she received his attentions. "I was surprised, Alice," he said, when he had seated himself opposite to her, "to learn from Aunt Emily that you had come to live here without consulting me. "Consult you!" she said, contemptuously, interrupting him.

Rangely, the tall young Englishman, had renewed his attentions assiduously, although during the interval in the garden he had found Miss Chillingham a person of discernment. "She's not going to marry that chap, is she, Miss Chillingham?" he had asked. "No," said Beatrice; "you have my word for it, she isn't." As she was leaving, Mrs.

He would often walk out on the plank road towards the plantations, and Porter, by great exertions, found that he was attracted by a lovely girl who lived some three miles from the city. He never came into town with her; it would have been considered improper for her to receive the attentions of a married man, and a scandal would have been the inevitable result.

'You might as well answer my name this afternoon, said Barrett, tentatively. Reade walked off without replying, and Barrett went to his place feeling that curiosity was a fraud, and resolving to confine his attentions for the future to dignity. This was by-product number one of the Pavilion burglary. During the last hour of morning school, Tony got a note from Jim.