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After that the grave look left Julia's face, and Guy was not quite so pale, as he took out one after another the articles which little Daisy hailed with rapturous shouts and exclamations of delight. "Oh, isn't she dood, and don't you love her, papa?" she said, while Guy replied: "Yes, it was certainly very kind in her, and generous. No other little girl in town will have such a box as this."

"What was your filly worth?" "A hundred dollars is what I asked for her," replied Obediah. "Wait a moment!" and Dood rushed into the house, from whence he soon returned, holding some gold in his hand. "Here's the price of your filly; and hereafter let there be a pleasantness between us."

"What do they call the place?" I asked. "Dood Drenk," he said "the Drink of the Dead!" North-East of Swakopmund, and somewhere where the line that runs the copper ore down from Otari has a station called Omaruru, there stands a mass of huge table-topped mountains.

"Well, hims walk de plank like a man," continued Ebony, "hims dood eberyting like a man. An' w'en hims topple into de sea hims give sitch a most awful wriggle dat his bonds bu'sted. But hims berry sly, was Massa Zeppa amazin' sly. I t'ought him lie on's back zif him be dead.

No threat of recrimination escaped him; he did not even go to law to recover damages; but calmly awaited his plan and hour of revenge. It came at last. Watt Dood had a Durham heifer, for which he had paid a heavy price, and upon which he counted to make great gains.

Receiving no answer, she said, in a cheery, confidential tone, which she had acquired from her mother, "I'll tell you what, Miss Blackie, you an' I will go for a picnic too. Zere's plenty places for you an' me, as well as for Cuzn Miwy to go to, an' we will let muzzer go wid us if she's dood. So go, like a dood chile', an' get your things on."

I had forgotten that a family of English tourists will carefully pull down the blinds and close the shutters, in order to enjoy the luxury of candlelight, lamp-light, or gas, when a Romany will throw wide open the tent's mouth to enjoy the light he loves most of all 'chonesko dood, as he calls the moonlight.

Another night in a caravanserai, where rival proprietors of rows of little chowkees contend for the privilege of supplying me char-poy, dood, and chowel, and where thousands of cawing rooks blacken the trees and alight in the quadrangular serai in noisy crowds, and I enter upon the home-stretch to Allahabad.

Yet years have gone by without effacing these loved recollections; and now that my baby is thirty years old and has a heavy moustache, when he holds out his large hand and says in his bass voice, "Good morning, father," it still seems to me that an echo repeats afar off the dear words of old, "Dood mornin', papa."

He could by no means see his way out of this greater difficulty, and his heart almost failed him as he thought of the poor girl wandering in the wilderness without food or shelter. "P'r'aps," suggested Peter, "she may manage to git into de town an' pass for a nigger as she's dood before, an' make tracks for her old place wid Missis Lilly or wid Dinah."