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An' just then t' beauty snarled an' showed his teeth, so Mulvaney shuts down t' lid and says: "Ye'll be careful, marm, whin ye tek him out. He's disaccustomed to traveling by t' railway, an' he'll be sure to want his rale mistress an' his friend Learoyd, so ye'll make allowance for his feelings at fost."

But Bas Rowlett shook his head. "Not you, Sim," he gave assurance. "I'm goin' ter tek keer of you all right but when ther rest of 'em hev done what we wants, we hain't got no further use fer them riders. Atter thet they'll jest be a pest an' burden ter us ef they goes on terrifyin' everybody." "I don't no fashion comprehend ye, but I've got ter know whar I stands at."

Dey des 'pear to git a spite agin some folks en dey ain' bodderin oder folks long ez dey ain' 'feered wid. I 'spect a spook dat wuz 'feered wid, get he dander up en slam roun' permiscus. I des tek a ole bull by de horns 'fo' I 'fere wid a spook," and Jute's companions grunted assent. "W'at's the good o' yer bein' yere then?" Perkins asked, taking a deep draught.

'If ever you agree to tek a hiding from a Reddy you've got one to follow on from me. D'ye hear? 'Yes, father. 'Tek heed as well as hear. D'ye hear? 'Yes, father. 'And here's another thing, mind you. It's brought to me as you and him shook hands and took on to be friends with one another. Is that trew? Joe looked guilty, but made no answer.

"It's a girt big un, and he's too sharp for us. Well, it's getting on and we may as well go home. He's gone! Blether wean't come to the top no more!" "But will he take a bait again, Dave?" said Dick; "I mean, if we come another time." "Will yow want any dinner to-morrow, lad?" said Dave, laughing. "Ay, he'll tek a bait again, sure enough, and we'll hev him some day!

He nodded to a long string of wild-fowl flying low over the melancholy-looking water, and they were watched till they disappeared. "Caught any more in the 'coy, Dave?" asked Dick. "Few, lad, few. Not enew to tek' to market. Me and John Warren sent 'em wi' the rabbits." "Ah! he promised us a day with the ferrets. Let's stir him up, Tom. Now, Dave, do let's begin."

Now I'll tek ye down ther clift an' show ye what's down thar an' how we licked thet mountain." He led them out and down a narrow path, where they had to hold to branch and root until they reached the bottom of a deep ravine and there one hundred and fifty feet lower was another huge bin, open at its top, and connected with the upper structure by an almost vertical chute.

"Oh, ho!" he exclaimed, when he had run his finger down the list, and then he ran it still farther and said it again, and more vigorously, and turned back to Mr. Warold. He shook his head and pushed the package across to Mr. Warold. "Tek it back home, Mr. Warold," he said, "and change th' spellin' of th' worrds on th' address av it. 'T is agin th' rules av th' ixpriss company as it is.

"I mean t' turn ye out t' grass a leetle while," D'ri answered soberly. "Ye look tired." The officer made at him, but in a flash D'ri had knocked him down with his musket. The adjutant rose and, with an oath, joined the others. "Dunno but he 'll tek the hull garrison 'fore sunrise," he muttered. "Let 'em come might es well hev comp'ny."

S'pose I'd a tuck huh in de kitchen, whaih de comperments come in? "Yass'm, yass'm, I does tek home little things now an' den, dat I does, an' I ain't gwine to 'ny it. I jes' says to myse'f, I ain't wo'kin' fu' no strainers lak de people nex' do', what goes into tantrums ef de lady what cooks fu' 'em teks home a bit o' sugar.