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From the outside of the coach had descended two passengers, who, alone insensible to the attractions of mutton and trout, refused to dine, two melancholy-looking foreigners, of whom one was Signor Riccabocca, much the same as we see him now, only that the black suit was less threadbare, the tall form less meagre, and he did not then wear spectacles; and the other was his servant.

The cavalcade kept its course all next day, and, towards the evening, they approached Græme's Tower, a dark, melancholy-looking erection, situated on Dryfe Water, not very distant from the village of Moffat.

His view is that nature will do much even where there is no beauty in the local stone itself. He thinks that mountains influence character, and that the people here have melancholy-looking faces which he attributes to the mountains. To an outsider, perhaps, the faces of many of the people do look thoughtful and sad, but their faces are hardly an index of their character. Friday, October 30.

He was a slight tall gentleman of about thirty, and I thought him rather melancholy-looking till I saw his smile, which had a kind of surprise in it, like the first warm day in spring. Brympton by the hour, in the big dark library where she sat in the winter afternoons. The servants all liked him, and perhaps that's more of a compliment than the masters suspect.

Waiters, with wine-baskets in their hands, are placing decanters of sherry down the tables, at very respectable distances; melancholy-looking salt-cellars, and decayed vinegar-cruets, which might have belonged to the parents of the indigent orphans in their time, are scattered at distant intervals on the cloth; and the knives and forks look as if they had done duty at every public dinner in London since the accession of George the First.

In a few miles we were in desert country undulations of sand and spinifex, with frequent clumps of dense mallee, a species of eucalyptus, with several straggling stems growing from one root, and little foliage except at the ends of the branches, an untidy and melancholy-looking tree.

Down their vast sides are displayed the melancholy-looking slides, contrasting with the fathomless woods. "But the lakes, you see lakes, as well as woods and mountains, from the top of North Hill. Newfound Lake in Hebron, only eight miles distant, you can't see; it lies too deep among the hills. Ponds show their small blue mirrors from various quarters of the great picture.

Then it was that the officer of the guard, a thin and melancholy-looking person, said in a hollow voice, addressing himself to Goza "The orders are that the White Man's wife is to go with him. Where is she?" "Where a man's wife should be, in his hut I suppose," answered Goza sleepily. Rage filled me at the words. Seldom do I remember being so angry.

It appeared to me that he always said the right thing at the right time, so as to impress it on the memory. Our first officer, John Renshaw, was a very worthy man, but totally unlike my Cousin Silas. He was tall and thin, and had a long weather-beaten, rather melancholy-looking face. Not that he was melancholy; the form of his features made him look so.

The old-fashioned and heavy chairs the brown wainscot walls the little cupboard recessed as it were to the right of the fire-place, and piled with morsels of Indian china and long taper wine glasses the small window-panes set deep in the wall, giving a dim view of a bleak and melancholy-looking garden in the rear yea, the very floor he trod the very table on which he leant the very hearth, dull and fireless as it was, opposite his gaze all took a familiar meaning in his eye, and breathed a household voice into his ear.