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After the train was a mile or two on its way he felt in his pocket for the wallet, meaning to regale himself with a sight of its contents now, as he considered, all his own. Thrusting his hand into his pocket, it met vacancy. Pale with excitement, he continued his search, extending it to all his other pockets. But the treasure had disappeared! Professor Riccabocca was panic-stricken.

"Let me see," said the professor, pausing, "yonder stands the Wilkesville Hotel. We had better put up there." It was a brick structure of considerable size, and seemed to have some pretensions to fashion. "Do you know how much they charge?" asked Philip prudently. "No; I neither know nor care," answered Professor Riccabocca loftily. "But," said Philip, "I haven't much money."

"May I ask your permission?" said the Italian, with his finger on the seal of the letter. "Oh, yes," said Frank, with naivete. Riccabocca broke the seal, and a slight smile stole over his countenance. Then he turned a little aside from Frank, shaded his face with his hand, and seemed to muse. "Mrs. Hazeldean," said he, at last, "does me very great honour.

At this notion both the squire and his wife laughed so heartily that the parson felt the thing was settled, and slipped away, with the intention of making his report to Riccabocca.

And when I asked your permission to aid in forestalling it, I only intended to suggest that it might be wise to find some securer home, and that I, if permitted to know that home, and to visit you, could apprise you from time to time of the count's plans and movements." "Sir, I thank you sincerely," said Riccabocca, with emotion; "but am I not safe here?" "I doubt it.

When shall we go?" "We shall go to-night; but terrible as it is to part from you, you " "Ah!" interrupted the wife, and covered her face with her hands. Riccabocca, the wiliest and most relentless of men in his maxims, melted into absolute uxorial imbecility at the sight of that mute distress. He put his arm round his wife's waist, with genuine affection, and without a single proverb at his heart.

All Lenny's ancient dislike to the foreigner had gone, and he told him his little tale. Dr. Riccabocca was much too shrewd a man not to see exactly the motives which had induced Mr. That a man high in office should make a scapegoat of his own watch-dog for an unlucky snap, or even an indiscreet bark, was nothing strange to the wisdom of the student of Machiavelli.

While the young man was thus meditating, on his road to Norwood, Riccabocca and his Jemima were close conferring in their drawing-room. And if you could have seen them, reader, you would have been seized with equal surprise and curiosity: for some extraordinary communication had certainly passed between them. Riccabocca was evidently much agitated, and with emotions not familiar to him.

Ah, trust me, Alphonso; I don't pretend to be wise like you; but when a woman considers what a man is likely to prove to woman, his sincerity, his honour, his heart, oh, trust me, she is wiser than the wisest man!" Riccabocca continued to gaze on Jemima with unaffected admiration and surprise.

Indeed, it must have been a source of no ignoble triumph to think that she could prove her disinterested affection to her dear Riccabocca by a prompt rejection of this more brilliant offer. She couched the rejection, it is true, in the most soothing terms. But the captain evidently considered himself ill used; he did not reply to the letter, and did not come to the wedding.