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Nae doobt he got the wauges 'at the apostle speyks o', whilk is, as ye well ken, deith 'the wauges o' sin is deith. But, maistly, sic-like sinners get first wauges o' anither speckle frae the maister o' them.

Hadoway just dresses him a beefsteak or a muttonchop, or makes him some Friar's chicken, or just what she likes hersell, and he eats it in the little red parlour off his bedroom. She canna get him to say that he likes ae thing better than anither; and she makes him tea in a morning, and he settles honourably wi' her every week." "But does he never stir abroad?"

But there's sic a thing as a human election, as weel's a divine ane; an' ane's no the same's anither, ance it's a chosen ane." "Weel, I pity them 'at the Lord has no pity upo'," sighed the smith, with a passing thought of his own fits of drinking. "Gang ye and try him. He may hae pity upo' you wha kens?" said Thomas, as he followed Alec, whom he had already released, out of the shop.

Thus the day wore on, men and women cursed while familiarities took place which were barely hidden from the children. Talk was coarse and obscenely suggestive, and the whole atmosphere was brutalizing. Long, however, before the day was ended, Robert and Mysie were feeling as if every bone in their little bodies would break. "Just take anither wee rest, Mysie," said Robert.

An' it was a man like you 'at sae near lost yer life for the hizzy!" she exclaimed. "I maunna think aboot it, or I winna sleep a wink. Weel, my man, ye may haud up yer heid afore the father o' ye, for ye're the first o' the race, I'm thinkin', 'at ever was near han' deein' for anither. But mak ye a speedy en' till 't noo, laad, an' fa' to the lave o' yer wark. There's a terrible heap to be dune.

"'Fear not, cam a voice, clear and strong like the sound o' a trumpet 'fear not to leap across this gulf. Faith an' a brave heart will carry thee safely to this side. Come. And she beckoned wi' her hand. "The lad set his horse to the leap. One moment an' he was i' the air, anither an' he was safe upo' the ither side.

I was busy enough for a' that, for there was a deal o' fencing tae be put up, and one thing or anither, forbye cleanin' the knives and brushin' the boots and such-like jobs as is mair fit for an auld wife than for a grown man.

"He startit on the ancient martyrs afore we were half a mile on the road, and he gied ae testimony aifter anither, an' he wesna within sicht o' the Reformation when we cam tae the hooses; a 'll no deny that a' let the mare walk bits o' the road, for a' cud hae heard him a' nicht; ma bluid 's warmer yet, freends."

I'm thinking it is no use to try to get near them there; but they will keep feeding on and on until they get over the ridge; and what we will do now is we will chist go aweh down wind, and get round to them from anither airt." It was little that Lionel knew what was involved in this apparently simple scheme.

Willie, who always tried to make the best of things, insults not excepted, approached presently with a hopeful appeal for a loan. 'Gang to blazes! was the response. Willie could scarce believe his ears. 'Macgreegor! did she no cough up onything? Macgregor walked on. 'An' she fancies hersel' for a swell! exclaimed Willie viciously. 'Anither word an' I'll knock the face aff ye!