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She renewed her acquaintance with Peter Whaup, the blacksmith, through his wife, who was ill, and received her visits gladly. "For," she said, "she's a fine douce lass, and speyks to ye as gin ye war ither fowk, and no as gin she kent a'thing, and cam to tell ye the muckle half o' 't." I wonder how much her friends understood of what she read to them?

"Wha come to ken o' what, Grizzie?" asked the laird with a twinkle in his eye, and a glance at Cosmo, who sat gazing curiously at the old woman. "Them 'at the saw speyks o', sir," said Grizzie, answering the first part of the double question, as she placed two boiled eggs before her master. The laird smiled: he was too kind to laugh. Not a few laughed at old Grizzie, but never the laird.

Will he daur till imaigine 'at he wad be sittin' there, an' me haudin' him company, gien I believed him cawpable o' turnin' oot sic a meeserable, contemptible wratch! The Lord come atween me an' my wrath!" "I beg yer pardon, mem. A body canna aye put things thegither afore he speyks. I 'm richt sair obleeged till ye for takin' my pairt." "I tak naebody's pairt but my ain, laddie.

"No, mem 'cep' by sicht o' ee; he hasna been lang aboot the toon. Some fowk sae he's dementit; but he's unco quaiet, speyks to nobody, an' gien onybody speyk to him, jist rims. Cud he be kennin' you, no? Ye 're a stranger here, mem." "No sic a stranger, John!" returned Miss Horn, calling the man by his name, for she recognized him as the beadle of the parish church. "What 's the body like?"

Nae doobt he got the wauges 'at the apostle speyks o', whilk is, as ye well ken, deith 'the wauges o' sin is deith. But, maistly, sic-like sinners get first wauges o' anither speckle frae the maister o' them.

He wadna turn frae the deil himsel'. An syne he's jist as saft's a deuk's neck when he speyks till a wuman or a bairn ay, or an auld man aither!" And full of trouble as it was about another, Lizzy's heart yet ached at the thought that she should be so unworthy of one like him. From the sands she saw him gain the turnpike road with a bound and a scramble.