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Nae Auld Reekies for him, an' thank ye kindly. When he wants to gang to the gaol he'll steal a horse an' gang daicent! He'll no gang wi' his thoom in his mooth, an' when they say till him, 'What are ye here for? be obleeged to answer, 'Fegs, an' I dinna ken what for! Na, na, it wadna be mensefu' like ava'. A' the Gordons that ever was hae gaen to the gaol but only yince.

But I done that out o' my respects of you an' Missis Fluker, an' your keepin' of a fa'r I'll say, as I've said freckwent, a very fa'r house. I let them infloonces go to friendship, ef you'll take it so. Will you, Pink Fluker?" "Cert'nly, Matt, an' I'm a thousand times obleeged to you, an' " "Say no more, Pink, on that p'int o' view. Ef I like a man, I know how to treat him.

"Dear Sir: "This is to notify you as how I just have had news that a party of Yankee spies is at large, right in our neighborhood. They stole a train to-day at Big Shanty, but they were obleeged to jump off only a few miles from here. So you must keep on the lookout they are around leastwise a boy and grown man have been seen, although most of the others seem to have gotten away.

"I'm obleeged ter ye fer comin' thus fur with me," he observed, then supplemented drily, "an' still more fer not comin' no further." The other laughed. "I hain't ergoin' ter 'cumber yore projeck's none ternight," he declared, good-humouredly, then added fairly enough, "but termorrer night I aims ter go sparkin' thar myself an' I looks ter ye to do as much fer me an' give me a cl'ar road."

"I'm obleeged, Bas." Maggard's voice was faint but steady now. "Thar's a thing I've got ter tell ye afore my stren'th gives out." Beguiled by a seeming absence of suspicion into the belief that Maggard had just then awakened to consciousness, Rowlett ensconced himself on the bedside and nodded an unctuous sympathy. The other closed his eyes and spoke calmly and without raising his lids.

He swallowed and his right eye began to take aim. I knew that some highly important theme would presently open the door of his intellect and come out. "'Jack, I been over to Albany, he said. 'Had a long visit with Mirandy. They ain't no likelier womern in Ameriky. I'll bet a pint o' powder an' a fish hook on that. Ye kin look fer 'em till yer eyes run but ye'll be obleeged to give up.

"I assure you, my dear Sir James," he said, "that it's a damned annoying thing to me to have to act so unhandsomely. Stap me! I shouldn't like it myself, but law's law and duty's duty, and so on, you know the old tale, and I'm obleeged to do it." He opened his snuff-box and offered it to Sir James, who brusquely waved it aside, saying, "Your explanation, if you please, my lord!"

What if you should clap on your bunnit an' ride along to the street?" She spoke cordially, judging that on such a spring day everybody was better out of the woods and upon the highway. "No," said Ann. "I got too much to do. I'm goin' into the pines arter some goldthread an' sarsaparil'. 'Most time for spring bitters. But I'm obleeged to ye for takin' the jug."

She sez to Josiah: "Why is it, Deacon Allen, that men deacons can carry on all sorts of business and still be deacons, while wimmen deacons are obleeged to give up all other business and devote themselves wholly to their work?" "It is on account of their minds," sez Josiah. "Men have got stronger minds than wimmen, that is the reason." And Sister Meechim sez agin

The tomfool men make an' break it. Ennybody ez hev seen this war air obleeged to take note o' the wickedness o' men in gineral. This hyer man air a sorter pitiful sinner, an' he hev got a look in his eyes that plumb teches my heart. I 'ain't got no call ter know nuthin' 'bout the law, bein' a 'oman an' naterally ignorant. I dun'no' ez he hev run agin it."