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"Lat it gang to swall the low o' Phlegethon. But eh! it's a terrible undertakin'. It's mair nor Hercules himsel' could hae made onything o'. Bantam! I hae saicrifeesed mysel' to you. Haud to your pairt, or I canna haud to mine." It was indeed a terrible undertaking.

"It's plain to me that we must pairt, freen'," said Swankie in a dogged manner, as he lifted a keg out of the boat and placed it on the ground. "Ay," exclaimed Spink, with something of a sneer, "an' d'ye think I'll pairt without a diveesion o' the siller tea-pots and things that ye daurna sell for fear o' bein' fund out?"

"What a body has a richt to hear, he may hear as he likes either shawin' himsel' or hidin' himsel'. An' it 's the only plan 'at 's fair to them, my lord. It 's no 's gien yer lordship was lyin' in wait to du them a mischeef: ye want raither to du them a kin'ness, an' tak their pairt." "I don't know that, Malcolm. It depends." "It's plain yer lordship's prejudeezed i' their fawvour.

"But," said Ebie Farrish, who had been thinking that, after all, the new plan might have its conveniences, "gin there's nae deil to tempt, there'll be nae deil to punish." But the herd was a staunch Marrow man. He was not led away by any human criticism, nor yet by the new theology. "New Licht here, New Licht there," he said; "I canna' pairt wi' ma deil.

But ye're ower honest to see throu' yersel'; an' I'm no sae honest but I can see throu' you. Ye wad merry me 'cause ye're no wullin' to pairt wi' me, likin' me better nor ony but ane, an' her ye canna get! Gien I was a leddy, Cosmo, maybe I michtna be ower prood to tak ye upo' thae terms, but no bein' what I am. It wad need love as roon's a sphere for that.

An' mair, my lady, I mean to loe him yet; but, as them 'at God has j'ined man nor wuman maunna sun'er, I winna pairt ye even in my min'; whan I think o' the tane, it'll be to think o' the tither, an' the love 'at gangs to him 'ill aye rin ower upo' you forby what I beir ye on yer ain accoont. Noo ye'll gang on thegither again, an' I'll come ahin'."

Alec laughed; but Andrew said, "Hoot! hoot!" Thomas and Alec walked away together. But scarcely a sentence had been exchanged before the stonemason, with a delicacy of perception of which his rough manner and horny hands gave no indication, felt that a film of separation had come between the youth and himself. Anxious to break through it, he said abruptly, "Hoo's yer immortal pairt, Alec?

"Ye see, mem, it's a pairt o' the edication o' the human individual, frae the time o' Adam and Eve doonwith, to learn to refuse the evil and chowse the guid. Noo, my pupil, here, mem, your son, has eaten that dirt and made that chice. It's three weeks, mem, sin ae drop o' whusky has passed his mou." "Whisky!" exclaimed the mother. "Alec! Is it possible?" "Mem, mem!

That's the difference. It's business wi' them, but it wad be dishonest on oor pairt. Awa', woman! It's disgraceful to think aboot. Naebody should eat wha disna work, an' I dinna care wha hears me say it," and the flashing eyes and the indignant voice gave token of her righteous wrath. "That's a' richt, Nellie, but it has aye been, an' I doot it'll aye be.

"Ye mauna gang wi' ane o' oor customs to gang agane anither. Fisher fowk 's ready eneuch to pairt wi' their whusky, but no wi' their lasses! Na, haith!" Lord Meikleham's face flushed, and Lizzy looked down, very evidently disappointed; but the bride's father, a wrinkled and brown little man, with a more gentle bearing than most of them, interfered.