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Obleeged to me for haein' a wheen common sense a thing 'at I was born wi'! Toots! Dinna haiver." "Weel, mem, what wad ye hae me du? I canna sen' my auld daddie roon the toon wi' his pipes, to procleem 'at I'm no the man. I 'm thinkin' I 'll hae to lea' the place." "Wad ye sen' yer daddy roun' wi' the pipes to say 'at ye was the man? Ye micht as weel du the tane as the tither.

The famous King of Carrick and his cooks perceiving the roast to be aneuch, commanded it to be tane fra the fire, and the Earl himself began the grace in this manner: 'Benedicite, Jesus Maria, you are the most obstinate man that ever I saw; gif I had known that ye had been so stubborn, I would not for a thousand crowns have handled you so; I never did so to man before you. And yet he returned to the same practice within two days, and ceased not till that he obtained his formost purpose, that is, that he had got all his pieces subscryvit alsweill as ane half-roasted hand could do it.

The various editions of the text read tunna, "a particular kind of tree." In one of my MSS., however, the reading is tane, the inflected form of tana, the "trunk of a tree," which is better sense. Literally, "the parrot of my hand flew away." The Muhammadans reckon a hundred and twenty years as the 'umri tabi'i, or the natural period of man's life.

You have only to call him in your own way, and he will come at once." "What wad ye hae me perswaud him till, sir? To onything 'at's richt, Gibbie wants nae perswaudin'; an' for this 'at's atween ye, the laddies are jist verra brithers, an' I hae no richt to interfere wi' what the tane wad for the tither, the thing seemin' to me rizon eneuch." "What sort of lad is this son of yours?

That the purposes may be the better tane up by you who will take heed to them, consider of these parts in the words. 1. The persons of whom the Psalmist speaks here. "Thy people." 2. The properties of these people in this day: They sall be a willing people; a holy people; a people who sall be miraculously multiplied. And so their properties is willingness, holiness, and multiplication.

Oh! the tane had a daddy was poor an' was proud; An' the tither a minnie that cared for the gowd. They lo'ed are anither, an' said their say But the daddy an' minnie hae pairtit the twae. Just as she finished the song, I saw the sharp eyes of Lady Lucy peeping in at the door. "Lady Lucy is watching at the door, Lady Alice," I said.

But you, perhaps, would have me ghess it out, What hath some Hengist like that Saxon stout, By fraud or force usurp'd thy flow'ring crown, Or by tempestuous warrs thy fields trod down? Or hath Canutus, that brave valiant Dane, The Regal peacefull Scepter from the tane? Or is't a Norman, whose victorious hand With English blood bedews thy conquered land? Or is't Intestine warrs that thus offend?

The tane was aye graning about giving tribute to Caesar, and the tither is as daft wi' her whiggery.

The tane was aye graning about giving tribute to Caesar, and the tither is as daft wi' her whiggery.

She answered that "when sundrie persons came to her to seek help for their beast, their cow, or ewe, or for any barne that was tane away with ane evill blast of wind, or elf grippit, she gait and speirit at Thom what myght help them; and Thom would pull ane herb and gif her out of his awin hand, and bade her scheir the same with ony other kind of herbis, and oppin the beistes mouth, and put thame in, and the beist wald mend."