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If she thought you were marrying her out of charity, she'd die before she'd let you. How are you going to convince her that you want to marry her because you love her?" "Vill you gif me one chance to try?" replied Peter, looking straight into her eyes. "Well, I declare it's so sudden like, I should think your breath would be took away." Mrs. Gray smiled at Mrs.

"Malcolm, my son," interjected Duncan, who had been watching for the conversation to afford him an opening, "if you'll pe meeting any one will caal you ta son of tat woman, gif him a coot plow in ta face, for you 'll pe no son of hers, efen if she'll proof it no more as hersel. If you 'll pe her son, old Tuncan will pe tisown you for efer, and efermore, amen."

I bring her to you where you like to England? to America? anywhere you tell me. Gif to me a bit of writing, for me to show to her you know! to Miss Hilda, her you luf! The old man is a fery wicked deffil to wish to sebarate you." "So you have been listening, have you?" said the Frank, with a mirthless laugh. "Just as if you hadn't done enough already in the way of meddling with my affairs.

"That fellow yonder is cleaning up a rifle." "Looks like it voss business alretty," remarked Geisler. "Himmel, I vould gif vun dollar und ninety-eight cents, alretty, to see a troop of regulars coming up der railroad tracks."

This religious man dissuadit the king, be mony reasonis, to pas to this huntis; and allegit the day wes so solempne, be reverence of the haly croce, that he suld gif him erar, for that day, to contemplation, than ony othir exersition.

Minnie looked upon Girasole, with her large eyes dilated with excitement and resentment. "You are a horrid, horrid man," she exclaimed. "I hate you." "Oh, my angel," pleaded Girasole, with deep agitation, "take back dat word." "I'm sorry you ever saved my life," said Minnie, very calmly; "and I'm sorry I ever saw you. I hate you." "Ah, you gif me torment. You do not mean dis.

I wish to have nothing to do with him; I shall do my best to forget that I have known him, or that such a man exists. All the members of his family and my own share the wish, sir, so do all the persons who once did the said Pons the honor of receiving him." "Boot, mennseir, you are a reasonaple mann; gif you vill bermit me, I shall exblain die affair "

In fact, Tom, for the moment, feared that it was all over. But good old Dr. Kurtz, noting the look on the lad's face, said: "Ach, Dom, doan't vorry! Maybe it vill yet all be vell, und der vater vill hear of der great race. Bluck up your courage, und doan't gif up. Der greatest surgeon in der vorld is here now, und if anybody gan safe your vater, Herr Hendriz gan.

Late in the afternoon he came to the window for the hundredth time, and brandishing the bludgeon so that the sunshine fell directly upon it, held it aloft for us to admire the great glittering gem that now sparkled deep-bedded in the ugly wax. "I gif you dat if you marry me!" cried the diamond-cutter, striking a dramatic attitude for Bessie's benefit.

"It is lovely, Miss Lu; the stuff so fine and soft, and the colors so beautiful!" remarked the girl, gazing upon it with admiring eyes. "It is good, Miss Lu, to have a kind papa, rich enough to gif you all things needful for a young lady to wear." "Yes, and so generous and kind as mine is," sighed Lulu. "It is a very great shame that I ever do anything to displease him."