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And if you wish to confess, throw it all upon me, say that you were obliged to pay me. Come! I have a broad back " "I cannot tispose of dings dot are not mine," the good German answered simply. "Very well. I will summons you, you and M. Pons." "It vould kill him " "Take your choice! Dear me, sell the pictures and tell him about it afterwards... you can show him the summons " "Ver' goot.

It is hard to say whether it was weakness or the excess of her emotion that forced her down to her knees. She grasped one of the huge hands the man had extended towards her. He laid the other upon her bent back, very softly. "In course I do, you poor leetle leddy. Yes, I sure beliefe you. Dere vosn't anybotty vould hurt Hugo, unless dey vos grazy, you bet.

"I be's good for nothin' now but to cadge about the streets, and steal, and filch, and hang like the rest on us! Thank you kindly, sir," and Beck pulled his forelock, "but, please your honour, I vould rather make an ind on it!" "Pooh, pooh! didn't I tell you when you wanted a friend to come to me? Why did you doubt me, foolish fellow? Pick up those shillings; get a bed and a supper.

The young clerk took Schmucke's orders for the funeral, the interment, and the burial service; undertaking that he should not be troubled again in any way, nor asked for money. "I vould gif all dat I haf to be left in beace," said the unhappy man. And once more he knelt beside the dead body of his friend. Fraisier had triumphed.

"Oxactly, young man. Sit down, und I vill see yoost vat vos pest for us both. You vould be an actor; you haf the ambition. Ah! I see it in your eyes, and it gif me great bleasure. But, young man, it vos unfortunate dot I haf not mooch just now to gif you, yet the vay vill open if you only stays mit me. Sure; yaw, I, Samuel Albrecht, vill make of you a great actor.

I tell you I have done vat I svore to do: I have exposed him at school; I have broak off a marriage for him, ven he vould have had tventy tousand pound; and now I have showed him up in a court of justice. Dat is vat I 'ave done, and dat's enough." And then the old wretch went down, whilst everybody was giggling and staring at poor me as if I was not miserable enough already.

Hugo he cleared such a goot piece, oder side of dat leetle hill, vhere de oats vould grow fine. And down by de Rifer, on de north side, he find silver, plenty silver in big veins, like dey got east of us, in Nipissing countree. So I tank one day he ban a rich man and haf a prettee little voman and plenty nice kiddies, leetle children like one lofes to see, and dey all lif here so happy."

I see the admiration in Baron de Bach's face. "You like that type?" I ask. "It ees part of dthe landscape," he answers; "ve like it in dthe picture. Ve put more deeferent vomans in our hearts and homes." "H'm!" coughs Mrs. Steele. "My dear, the boatman is coming back with a huge bunch of cocoanuts." "Yes," the Baron says, "I dthought you vould like to taste dthe milk."

I had clean forgotten an important engagement in the city for this afternoon.” “Appointment in ze city?” said the Baron in considerable surprise. “I did not know you had friends in ze city.” “I have just heard from my father’s man of business, and I’m afraid it would be impolitic not to see him. Do you mind if I leave you here?” “Surely, my dear fellow, I vould not stop you.

I can't help thinking that the craters which have so recently opened up in Krakatoa are still active, and that it may be necessary for me to shift my quarters, for my cave is little more, I suspect, than the throat of an ancient volcano." "Hah! say you so, mine frond? Zen I vould advise you to make no delay," said the professor, critically examining a well-picked drumstick.