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He left with an uncanny feeling that the carpenter, breathing softly, had watched him from some hiding-place, and would now come stealthily out to push his plane again. He turned into a baker's shop and saw freshly chopped kindling piled against the oven, and dough actually on the kneading-tray. In a tanner's vat he found fresh bark.

"Vat id diss blace here galled itself; vat?" They made no answer. Indeed they did not understand, though the question repeated itself. And at last the monster drove away northward over a crest of pine woods and was no more seen. They fell into a hot and long disputation.... The hymn ended.

"Vel, he say he lofe me he say eet straight, like eet vas vat he meant." "Oh!" "Si, señorita; he not even talk funny, maybe he so excited he forgot how, hey? An' vat you tink dat he say den to Mercedes vat?" The other shook her head, undecided, hesitating as to her own purpose. "He ask me vould I marry him.

"Dis lady," said the Baron, "is no longer known as 'Esther' so short! She is called Montame de Champy ein little estate vat I have bought for her " "Though you do things in such style," said the Comte, "these ladies are saying that Madame de Champy gives herself too great airs.

"I never would sell dem; I svore I never vood, on porpus to be revenged on dat Stobbs." "What! your wound has never been HEALED, eh?" "Vat do you mean vid your bootless errands, and your soling and healing?

A young man who belonged to the brewery immediately descended by a ladder into the vat, to get the key, but scarcely had he reached the bottom, when he fell down senseless. Henry Campbell was speaking to one of the clerks of the brewery when this accident happened: a man came running to them with the news, "The vat has not been cleaned; it's full of bad air."

If I had kept entirely to facts, without giving the rein to my imagination, you might now be doomed to travel at this time next year to Buda-Pesth, and there drown yourself in the largest possible vat of beer. Had Paolo been unlucky in the matter of getting the short bit of paper, a little thing like that wouldn't have bothered him much.

Kimball makes his dried apples an' steam loose in the vat. She says he can steam out very fast an' Mr. Kimball bein' his uncle 'll naturally let him sit in the vat for nothin'." "What " asked Mrs. Lathrop.

The battalion would be refitted; a brewer's great vat was commandeered for a bathing-place; the village school was turned, every evening, into a recreation room; and a communicants' class was started. Not for the first time I longed for a brief, clear statement of our Church's faith.

In the morning we broke camp and started off for the strange place which we hoped to capture. A hundred miles it was across the trackless wilds, and each man was ordered to carry on his back provisions for four days only. "Herr Gott!" cried Swein Poulsson, from the bottom of a flatboat, whence he was tossing out venison flitches, "four day, und vat is it ve eat then?"