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"My good friend," said the underwriter, advancing with outstretched hands to Rowland, who backed away, and taking Myra by the hand, moved toward the door. Mr. Meyer sprang ahead, locked it and removed the key, and faced them. "Oh, mine goot Gott," he shouted, relapsing in his excitement into the more pronounced dialect of his race; "vwhat I do to you, hey? Vwhy you go pack on me, hey?

"I'll keep my word, corporal," cried the widow, "I told you I would not marry until he was hung, I don't care if I marry you to-morrow." "Mein Gott, yes, to-day." "No, no, not to-day, corporal, or to-morrow either, we must wait till the poor fellows are out of the hospital, for I must have them all to the wedding." "Mein Gott, yes," replied the corporal.

They would not hearken to anything because their general resolved to make peace with those of the Christinos & an other nation that gott gunns, the noise of which had frighted them more then the bulletts that weare in them. The time approached, there came about 100 of the nation of the Sault to those that lived towards the north. The christinos gott a bigger company & fought a batail.

Then we may be well sure that from our own silent, stubborn Deal men, many a deep-felt prayer of gratitude, unuttered it may be by the lips, was sent up from the heart to Him, the 'Eternal Father strong to save, while the Germans now broke openly out into 'Danke Gott! Danke Gott! and soon afterwards were landed grateful beyond expression for their marvellous deliverance on Deal beach .

"'Nonsense, he answered. 'Something alive which we cannot see is contrary to all laws of physics. Der man must have fallen und hurt himself, which accounts for der bleeding. Den he drowned in der water. Do you see? mine Gott! What iss? "He suddenly went under water himself, and dropping the pike pole, I grabbed him by the collar and braced myself.

When out of the firing-line we washed and mended our clothing and scraped a week's accumulation of mud from our uniforms. Before breakfast we were inflicted with the old punishment, Swedish drill. "Gott strafe Sweden!" Tommy would say as he puffed and perspired under a hot August sun, but he was really glad that he had no choice but to submit.

All it cost me is seven hundred and fifty dollars cash, and I also get unloaded on me for the rest of his life the old man. And while I don't wish him any harm, y'understand, Gott soll hüten anything should happen to him Leon, it couldn't come too soon for me." "I bet yer," Leon said fervently.

"Yes I'm so hung with family skeletons that I clatter when I walk," I explained, pretending I hadn't heard, and brought them both glasses of water. "It's got to be a habit with some people to save their sciatica and their husband's dispositions and their torpid livers and their unpaid bills and bring 'em here to me." He sniffed at the glass and put it down. "Herr Gott!" he said, "what a water!

I will a letter letters give you, and you shall put on the programme, of your concerts that you are my pupil, is it not so?" Harmony was drawing on her worn gloves; her hands trembled a little with the praise and excitement. "If I can stay so long," she answered unsteadily. "You must stay. Have I so long labored, and now before it is finished you talk of going! Gott im Himmel!"

Hooke further said, that he hath heard that they that are adicted that way would hardly be kept away from ye houses where they doe mischiefe, and so it was wth her when his boy was sicke, she would not be kept away from him, nor gott away when she was there, and one time Mris. Hooke bid her goe away, and thrust her from ye boye, but she turned againe and said she would looke on him. Mris.