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However, this did not prove a great stumbling-block, for, while Grant talked French with the pastor, Fred entertained his hostess in his best Norse, and Sam Sorrel, not to be behindhand, got the children round him, and made such wonderful use of ver so goot and his other pet phrases, that he succeeded in getting the boy on his knee, and in setting the girls off into giggles of laughter.

If you could make up your mind, now, to part with this one watch for nawthin', I think I could tell you a part of the country where you might sell the other nineteen in a week." "Goot!" exclaimed my uncle, cheerfully. "Take him he ist your broberty, and wilcome. Only show me de town where I canst sell de nineteen udders."

I that is as muckle as to say, search and ye'll find number twa. Besides, yon kist is only silver, and I aye heard that' Misticot's pose had muckle yellow gowd in't." "Den, mine goot friends," said the adept, jumping up hastily, "why do we not set about our little job directly?"

Good night!” he cried, waving his hand to the room generally. “Ven you gom to Bavaria you most all shoot vid me. Bravo, my goot Bonker! Ha! ha!” As they turned away from the table, one of the young men, who had been looking very hard at Mr Bunker, rose and touched his sleeve. “I say, aren’t you——?” he began.

"Are we to use the inch or the inch-an'-a-half nails?" asked Mowat, after a moment's pause. "Whichever you like, Tonal'. There iss plenty of both in the store, an' ye are as goot a judge o' these metters as I am myself. Just help yoursel', man; only see that the work is done well, for there iss a rough trup before us when we do git away.

He may snoop around here all he likes, but he'll never find das cuff-button, because Ay have got it hid in a goot hiding-place! Mr.

Dost not know that it is unlucky to talk when fishing for takuo and tautau?" "Dear friend, that we believed only in the heathen days. Now we are Christians." He paused a moment, then raised his face to the stars and softly murmured, "Good mornin' kâpen haad you you have goot foyage and wesser and fair wesser?" Then he looked at me interrogatively. I took no notice.

He thought of the little monkey. "Dees is greet! dees is too goot! Jud, we peek it oop in de road, heh?" "I'm kinder afraid we'll wake an' find it a dream, Billy hurry up. Get the cash." Billy was thoughtful: "Tree hun'd'd dollars Jud eef eef " he shook his head. "Now, Billy," said Jud patronizingly "that's nonsense. Bonaparte will eat him alive in two minutes.

Tears had come to the Captain's eyes, and were glistening in the eyes of most of the crowd. The Dutch doctor alone was unmoved. Stoically he remarked, "Very goot story, Captain, goot story, do our Chaplain much goot."

There was written on it in Quigg's bold, round hand: "Good for one roast chicken to bearer." Simmons looked up with a flashing eye. "A dead one!" said he. "Goot!" roared Hildebrant, rocking the table with giant glee. "Dot is right! You gome at mine house at 8 o'clock to der party." There are no more Christmas stories to write.